Links on this topic:
>> Initiative from the Dutch agency LAVA to reclaim magenta!
>> Reclaim Magenta Group on Flickr
>> Colour Lovers News: Beware! T-Mobile Owns the Color Magenta
>> Borderers on this topic: Color Complexities
>> Wikipedia On Magenta
>> The official owner and inventor of magenta: Sir William Henry Perkin
>> Reclaim Magenta Group on Facebook
>> Ochblog: Fuck You T-Mobile
>> Reclaim Magenta on Computerlove
>> (Dutch) Magenta on Jaggle
>> (Dutch) T-Mobile claimt alleenrecht op kleur magenta
>> (Dutch) Reacties op het item
>> (Dutch) T-mobile verbiedt 100%NL kleur magenta te gebruiken
>> (Dutch) T-Mobile doet moeilijk over magenta
# 2 Kasper on 2007-11-03 15:17:33
Allright ladies and gentlemen, there is a facebook group up and running as well! Anyone that would like to reclaim magenta please join this group!
>> Older
The contribution form has been killed because of spam machinery. This page can from now on be regarded as a monument for the freedom of magenta.PETITION
[ show flagged contributions ]
# 1495 Brigitte on 2007-12-17 20:56:34
DON'T STOP USING MAGENTA!!!! how stupid this idea is.......i'm going to make a painting...all in MAGENTA!
# 1494 Nick on 2007-12-17 14:12:11
T-Mobile are gayers
# 1488 Amano Gingi on 2007-12-16 22:13:08
And then, they are going to claim "T", of course. Imagine your life without the T letter. It's like the artist's without the magenta.
# 1487 Alberto on 2007-12-16 15:30:00
Sono un fisico e questa cosa mi fa in un modo... facciamogliela vedere!
# 1481 maria gil carrillo on 2007-12-16 11:15:20
speak your mind
# 1473 MissJedi on 2007-12-15 01:18:23
T-Mobile, you suck. Give magenta back!!
# 1472 jamie on 2007-12-14 19:18:15
t mobile can suck my magenta d**k
# 1471 KEvin Zaar on 2007-12-14 13:15:25
I'm Changing my PROVIDER now! Fuck YOU T-MOBILE!!!
# 1460 Nicklas on 2007-12-13 00:43:17
Do something useful, like.. invade a small country.
# 1459 Pau on 2007-12-13 00:22:46
Free magenta and imprison fucking crazy megacapitalists!
# 1458 deester on 2007-12-12 21:29:21
T-Mobile can suck it!
# 1452 Chris from Keynote Media on 2007-12-11 21:28:45
Keynote Media would like to take the opportunity to do one of two things. Either A. We would like to show our support for the public humiliation of anyone who believes they may claim the rights to a color. Or B. We would like to claim the rights to green. All of the green. No one else may use green now. So there. Jesus, what is the world coming to?
# 1451 info on 2007-12-11 14:23:51
LOL.... so stuuuupid. They sue Swedish Telia Sonera now... second world war in colors???
# 1444 chatran20 on 2007-12-10 23:56:15
¿Me van a decir que la luz de mi computadora no puede oscilar a la longitud de onda del magneta? Eso es ridículo.
# 1438 Me on 2007-12-09 22:50:37
If a physical phenomenon can be claimed, I claim Gravity as my own, if you use it you have to pay me. How do you like that now? Si un fenomeno fisico se puede patentar yo patento la Gravedad, si la usas tenés que pagarme. Qué me dicen de eso?
# 1437 Extasis on 2007-12-09 05:12:54
Is not moral and ethic that the colours are propiety of persons, is propiety of nobody and just this is going to be!! Sorry for my english.
# 1431 farve on 2007-12-08 16:26:40
y que pasa con los cartuchos de tinta magenta???magenta forever!!!:-)
# 1430 Richard Windsor on 2007-12-08 16:24:04
Colors are for everyone's enjoyment as use. Copyrighting a color is like an attempt to free speech. Boycott to DT worldwide!
# 1429 Daniel Reyes Velasco on 2007-12-08 11:49:49
Un color no puede ser de nadie.
# 1423 Stefan on 2007-12-08 01:53:34
stop T-Error
# 1422 zethicus on 2007-12-08 00:25:31
let them have it. we have blue.
# 1421 Juan Camilo on 2007-12-07 23:42:16
Let Magenta and all colors be no one porperty...
# 1420 Benito Carlos del Toro on 2007-12-07 23:28:56
Los de T-Mobile son unos hijos de puta.
# 1419 Rainbow on 2007-12-07 19:43:36
Put your fucking color in your deep Ass !
# 1418 Rainbow on 2007-12-07 19:42:54
Put your fucking color in your deep Ass !
# 1417 Julio on 2007-12-07 19:19:24
This is stupid how can people posses something so irreal
# 1416 nancher on 2007-12-07 17:06:05
LOL , that company is a idiot XD like Paris Hilton with "it`s that hot" (i don't remember XD)
# 1415 Olivia on 2007-12-07 16:59:22
MAGENTAbletten für alle!
# 1414 Olivia on 2007-12-07 16:48:44
MAGENTAbletten für alle!
# 1413 David Silva on 2007-12-07 16:16:28
Free Magenta!
# 1412 erick on 2007-12-07 16:01:47
Es algo tonto patentar un color!!.. dejense de niñadas. empresas grandes solo quieren ahcer sentir su poder, pero lo unico ke no podran sentir es que merecen ser respetadas.!!! nO A LA PATENACIÓN DEL COLOR MAGENTA!!!!
# 1411 erick on 2007-12-07 16:00:43
speak your mind
# 1410 Bernal Arango on 2007-12-07 15:57:55
Quién les vendió el derecho? Dios!... Pues se los baboseó, porque nos pertenece a todos. Si pagaron a alguien, también me deben pagar a mí y a todo el mundo. ¿Van a demandar a la naturaleza por usar el magenta, a los arcoiris, al sol? imbéciles.
# 1409 RF on 2007-12-07 15:56:29
What's next for you big companies? Patent some divine entities? or better, patent common names? Damn, stop the monopolization of common stuff, don't you have enough money or what?
# 1408 Tzyr on 2007-12-07 14:40:39
Contra T-Mobile! Pro Magenta!
# 1407 Mme_Butterfly on 2007-12-07 13:27:54
qué estamos haciendo!?!? cada vez este mundo tiene menos sentido. Liberen el color magenta!!!
# 1406 sadist_nurse on 2007-12-07 13:26:29
We want the magenta back!
# 1405 Ron Heussen on 2007-12-07 12:56:41
no way. magenta stay free
# 1404 Stephan (Hamburg) on 2007-12-07 11:45:06
Free Magenta!
# 1403 Francisco Jesus Ponce on 2007-12-07 06:20:38
Ya habéis conseguido la publicidad que queríais. Ahora, vale de tonterías, el magenta es de todos...
# 1402 CARLOS ALBERTO SOPON on 2007-12-07 04:46:00
# 1401 Nicolas on 2007-12-07 03:34:08
por favor! es un color! no tienen cosas mas nobles para gastar ese dinero como las desnutriciones en africa.. tendrian mas publicidad asi!
# 1400 Nicolas on 2007-12-07 03:20:39
por favor! es un color! no tienen cosas mas nobles para gastar ese dinero como las desnutriciones en africa.. tendrian mas publicidad asi!
# 1399 Josue Camara Fernandez on 2007-12-07 03:19:25
Que se dejen de tonterias las autoridades que hicieron esta gran pero gran ridicules, esta patente no tiene sentido, que la anulen
# 1398 punkemon on 2007-12-07 02:33:46
Did you create that color? No, so it is not yours!! You suckers!
# 1397 que nos pasa on 2007-12-07 02:02:04
devuelvan el magenta liberenlo
# 1396 Dios_Vengativo on 2007-12-07 01:25:22
Yo pienso patentar el sexo anal, solo para que cuando les den por el culo a los de la oficina de patentes me tengan que pagar...
# 1395 ciendemagenta on 2007-12-07 00:25:39
me conocen hace años por la "chica magenta" ya que hasta mi pelo es magenta, todos los dias me visto de magenta, y mi mail (ciendemagenta) esta registrado hace mas tiempo que el que registrador estos putos el color, con lo cual CANTE PRI!!!!!
# 1394 Armandex on 2007-12-07 00:03:08
malditos no nos quiten el magenta!!!!!
# 1393 Priscila infeccion visual on 2007-12-06 23:42:35
Chaleeeeee!!! en verdad hay cosas importantes que ver si se patenta o no un pinche color que es de todos...
# 1392 Ivan Gabriel on 2007-12-06 23:23:34
Que se dejen de molestar!!!! como van a pantentar un color?? Esto es intolerable, por no decir una mala palabra. A ver si se dedican a cosas mas importantes esta empresa que patento el color (pero antes que saque la patente!!!!!!). Vamos a seguir reclamando hasta lograrlo!!!!
# 1391 Cristian on 2007-12-06 22:09:30
Free colors of the world
# 1390 CGG on 2007-12-06 21:03:21
Also, wenn das ein Witz ist, dann ist er erstens sehr schlecht und zweitens ist das einfach nur hirnrissig. Wenn die ganze Aktion tatsächlich ernst gemeint ist, dann... naja, ich bin sprachlos! Das ist einfach nur gesponnen und Geldgier!!! Wenn ich jetzt ein deutsches Handy hätt, dann wär ich bestimmt nicht länger bei T-mobile, ich hoffe es kommt zu derartigen Reaktionen!!! Das ist unzumutbare Tyrannei!!!!
# 1389 JanDodonna on 2007-12-06 19:56:27
fuck T-Mobile Magent is a color and everyone can use it. Soon we will pay for everything included breathing. This is an injustice!!!
# 1388 Marcelo on 2007-12-06 19:08:43
es una verdadera burla a la inteligencia. Como es posible que esto sea legal???
# 1387 name on 2007-12-06 18:51:18
speak your mind
# 1386 nanouy on 2007-12-06 17:44:43
It's ridicoulus. Es ridiculo apropiarse de un color, pues si dejamos que esto tome otros rumbos yo registro un garco y nadie mas puede cagar sin mi permiso
# 1385 Víctor on 2007-12-06 16:50:39
Magenta for everyone!
# 1384 oscar on 2007-12-06 16:29:24
speak your mind
# 1383 inbal on 2007-12-06 08:15:16
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
# 1382 Danyl Sobolev on 2007-12-06 07:01:18
them dudes is effed up
# 1381 nils tunebjer on 2007-12-05 14:32:23
It´s weird and complete wrong to somebody should own the colour magenta. Who are these strange people that do not have a feeling for what is wrong and right?
# 1380 Martin on 2007-12-05 14:01:11
Magenta is mine! Only mine!!!
# 1379 Agent Magent on 2007-12-04 20:41:38
How dare they.....this is just disgusting!
# 1378 Amaya on 2007-12-04 19:46:50
it's sorta mine. but you can have a piece
# 1377 Mia on 2007-12-04 15:35:05
Are you kidding me?
# 1376 piccarda e 2 on 2007-12-04 14:48:17
more magenta churches
# 1375 Mirk_ONE on 2007-12-04 00:55:28
# 1374 Luke Ratcliffe on 2007-12-03 12:51:47
# 1373 Pedro Figueroa on 2007-12-01 00:55:15 2 años poniendole MAGENTA al mundo. Saludos!
# 1372 elisa cordero on 2007-11-30 21:47:19
qué ridiculez! ¡qué hubiera sido de Leonardo da Vinci si a los Medici se les hubiera ocurrido monopolizar el siena!
# 1371 Edwin Verstraten on 2007-11-30 14:47:41
# 1370 Bjorn on 2007-11-30 11:31:07
It;s sad thatit has to come to this REVOLUTIONE!
# 1369 riccardo previdi on 2007-11-29 22:11:10
# 1368 Mark on 2007-11-29 18:39:25
Fuck you T-Mobile.
# 1367 Sherry on 2007-11-29 13:24:04
Well done! My homepage | Please visit
# 1366 Nathan on 2007-11-29 13:23:19
Well done! [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]
# 1365 Targ on 2007-11-29 03:41:55
T-Mobile copyrighting magenta? I didn't think the world could get any stupider but waddya know! Let have a big round of appluause for being the biggest fucking morons on the planet! *claps*
# 1364 Daniele on 2007-11-28 16:23:51
You can download and use my antipixel on free magenta to:
# 1363 Leon on 2007-11-28 09:38:59
No one should be able to register colors as a trademark. The world would get pretty boring otherwise.
# 1362 lenn on 2007-11-27 20:34:01
im gonna stick with vodafone from now on.
# 1361 nourdine on 2007-11-27 11:02:31
Quand je pense T-Mobile, je pense dopage, et quand je pense magenta, je pense à tout sauf à T-Mobile. Vive le magenta libre !
# 1360 Paul on 2007-11-27 07:21:27
T- mobile is being absurd.
# 1359 Bert on 2007-11-27 07:10:54
Siamo all'assurdo. La kodak il giallo, la t-mobile il magenta, la ferrari il rosso, l'orange l'arancione... ci faranno pagare una tassa ogni volta che in cielo appare l'arcobaleno
# 1358 marie brassard on 2007-11-27 02:30:08
What a fascist idea! Magenta is everywhere, even in my skin...
# 1357 manekineko on 2007-11-27 01:09:17
look at all of you interacting with magenta and tmobile. Magenta is going to remind you of tmobile for a long time now. Congratulations, you just fell for a planned marketing strategy.
# 1356 Ricardo Leija on 2007-11-27 00:41:00
Give my magenta back
# 1355 HRobinet on 2007-11-27 00:04:39
# 1354 ben berry on 2007-11-26 23:44:55
# 1353 haze on 2007-11-26 23:39:31
Seriously, is this a joke? Copyright a color? Ha ha ha! Screw t-mobile
# 1352 Daisy on 2007-11-26 22:01:05
Free magenta! It's absolutely ridiculous...
# 1351 - italian pinguin - on 2007-11-26 20:29:52
F R E E M A G E N T A ! ! !
# 1350 monstarling on 2007-11-26 18:29:03
Colours belong to everyone.
# 1349 michelaghio on 2007-11-26 18:08:10
magenta L I B E R O O O O O O O!!!!!!!!!!
# 1348 michelaghio on 2007-11-26 18:07:28
speak your mind
# 1347 michelaghio on 2007-11-26 18:07:09
speak your mind
# 1346 Zok on 2007-11-26 17:34:26
Sxuja li zaguljali,idioty,eto tsvet!
# 1345 Tom on 2007-11-26 17:26:07
Don't f•ck with magenta
# 1344 alx on 2007-11-26 15:54:18
liebes magenta - r.i.p.
# 1343 Valentin Vago on 2007-11-26 14:55:19
Kein Farbe sind illegale
# 1342 Jelle Botma on 2007-11-26 12:58:33
color is free!!!
# 1341 Roussetatoo on 2007-11-26 10:41:44
Les couleurs n'appartiennent à personne
# 1340 tanyildiz on 2007-11-26 10:39:47
how much money did you spend for the most ridiculous project? (except you pay the salaries of the team who found this foolish idea.) infact the solution is very simple: USE PANTONE COLORS.. nobody can prevent to use magenta and the other colors freely!
# 1339 wizard on 2007-11-26 03:07:41
# 1338 Carolina on 2007-11-25 23:13:54
speak your mind
# 1337 Carolina on 2007-11-25 19:17:12
speak your mind
# 1336 bc on 2007-11-25 16:14:11
hey! the blues is allright!!!
# 1335 name on 2007-11-25 16:12:56
speak your mind
# 1334 Herrmann on 2007-11-25 09:49:10
How many of you are going to buy the iphone from T-Mobile? Boycott
# 1333 Silvia on 2007-11-24 19:14:05
i've always hated magenta but i hate this company even more!! =p
# 1332 Marcus on 2007-11-24 11:51:39
# 1331 Nate on 2007-11-24 02:38:19
# 1330 Jarek on 2007-11-24 02:37:31
give back our magenta bastards!
# 1329 marco on 2007-11-24 00:07:16
capitalismo di merdaaaaaaaa
# 1328 marco on 2007-11-24 00:07:03
capitalismo di merdaaaaaaaa
# 1327 oscar on 2007-11-23 20:49:23
# 1326 sharong on 2007-11-23 18:39:29
# 1325 unsungzero on 2007-11-23 14:40:36
If they succeed it'll only be a matter of time until Orange claim rights to orange.. actually a few years back Orange and EasyJet fought over their tradmark Orange hue.
# 1324 arums on 2007-11-23 13:58:26
now magenta, what comes next?
# 1323 on 2007-11-23 10:22:38
free magenta!
# 1322 name on 2007-11-23 05:08:57
We are stronger than you : magenta is ours !!!!!!!!! Fuck capitalism !!!!!
# 1321 freskiz comunicate on 2007-11-23 00:46:41
free magenta for everyone!
# 1320 freskiz comunicate on 2007-11-23 00:46:35
free magenta for everyone!
# 1319 tépè. on 2007-11-22 18:59:22
speak your mind
# 1318 aids85 on 2007-11-22 11:13:50
magenta for everyone!
# 1317 kwiatek on 2007-11-22 09:15:59
pink not dead
# 1316 »ú´² on 2007-11-22 01:05:01
# 1315 »ú´² on 2007-11-22 00:57:40
# 1314 Ross on 2007-11-21 21:55:23
Dear T mobile. Diplomacy and sensitivity fail me. Fuck right off. Furthermore, while you're fucking right off, ask yourself how much you spend trying to convince the world that you care and realise that letting your lawyers lose sight of the ground they walk on renders it even more meaningless.
# 1313 thijs willemstein on 2007-11-21 21:36:23
I'm waiting for tthe guy that claims gravity
# 1312 Dylan Craver on 2007-11-21 19:00:38
T-Mobile is too expensive and magenta is my favorite color. I hate you T-Mobile.
# 1311 nameMeine on 2007-11-21 16:13:21
T-mobile be creative make some good shit so you don't need magenta!
# 1310 Dario on 2007-11-21 13:34:16
Shame on you T-Mobile! Magenta libero!
# 1309 mane on 2007-11-21 13:32:30
più magenta per tutti
# 1308 Pablo Jeffress on 2007-11-21 09:22:23
You can't own t he waves
# 1307 Nir (EL Judio) Gutman on 2007-11-20 21:01:50
T-mobile is a band of color nazis stop the madness
# 1306 name on 2007-11-20 20:58:30
insantiy pure insanity
# 1305 Amanda on 2007-11-20 19:31:29
TMobile is insane to think they can own the color magenta! Boycott TMobile!!! They suck anyways
# 1304 fleurvy on 2007-11-20 16:50:33
what a foolishness!! colours are not your ownership
# 1303 name on 2007-11-20 14:30:33
speak your mind
# 1302 Marian on 2007-11-20 12:27:11
In the history of prohibitions and bans there always have been people who bypass the law and the prhibitions. Why not changing the color a bit. I mean, maybe there are basic colors, but why not taking a special tone. They maybe can claim a single tone to be their own, but not the whole circle of colors. Furthermore Telekom shall be fucked - and be painted all in magenta, over and over. Free your mind -and Magenta!
# 1301 Peggy De Meue on 2007-11-20 09:15:47
You can claim the combination of the colour to the logo, you can claim a lot of things under trademark BUT this is outrageous! That anyone even allowed them to make this claim!!! It's beyond my comprehension...
# 1300 Athila on 2007-11-20 02:21:58
Who are the next five companies to reclaim RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN AND YELLOW? Once those six colors will be stolen from the rest of the humanity the world will become full darkness. Only these six companies will be able to express themself in the own color and only there own color. Nobody can use white anymore, because in white there is a presence of Magenta, the same for all shade of gray. This mean anybody using white or gray is illegal. Mister Kodak, Mister Fuji, Mister Sony, Mister Nikon, Mister Canon, WAKE UP, because T-Mobile will make soon an illegal entity since your film and sensors contains some Magenta. Is T-Moblile will sue God and the world each time a RAINBOW will show off a tint of Magenta. What's next, a company will bue the right to be the only one to use the letter ''A'' then an other one the letter ''B'' and so on..... Hey Mister T-Moblie... don't be so ridiculous and fire that ''MARKETING SMART'' and let the whole world enjoy what was given to ALL OF US, the magnificience of WHITE LIGHT and ALL IT,S COMPONENTS, INCLUDING '' B E A U T I F U L L A N D F R E E M A G E N T A''
# 1299 Fabio Barbato on 2007-11-19 22:31:13
Shame on you T-Mobile!! You suck!
# 1298 Tonci Jukic on 2007-11-19 22:28:51
Fuck em with their magenta. What is next? "T" letter?
# 1297 Gaia Giordani on 2007-11-19 21:30:51
Giù le sgrinfie dal Magenta! Il magenta è di tutti!
# 1296 ALC4 on 2007-11-19 20:27:40
# 1295 azoyo86 on 2007-11-19 19:46:44
perchè non far pagare anche l aria che respiri in determinate infrastrutture? -_-.....vergogna!!!!....privatizzare un colore è come privatizzare l aria.
# 1294 Lindsey Green on 2007-11-19 18:37:05
This world is really sick. You cannot trademark things that are universal.
# 1293 Emily Silvestri on 2007-11-19 18:37:00
# 1292 Nadia on 2007-11-19 18:15:18
Le monde est vraiment fou ou complètement malade! J'adore le magenta et je vais la porter et je veux l'avoir partout ou ça me tente.
# 1291 Logan Antill on 2007-11-19 18:02:18
You cannot trademark a unit of creative energy.
# 1290 lorenzo cotti on 2007-11-19 16:48:38
per lo meno si può telefonare a colori ci si potrebbe anche vergognare. vi ricordate i fumetti del wild west che pucciavano nella pece & piume il baro? perché non fare lo stesso con gli avvocati che sono riusciti in questa impresa, adesso che anche i catrami si possono colorare?
# 1289 lorenzo cotti on 2007-11-19 16:45:29
per lo meno si può telefonare a colori ci si potrebbe anche vergognare. vi ricordate i fumetti del wild west che pucciavano nella pece & piume il baro? perché non fare lo stesso con gli avvocati che sono riusciti in questa impresa, adesso che anche i catrami si possono colorare?
# 1288 Reverend Karley on 2007-11-19 16:34:33
# 1287 Aresio on 2007-11-19 16:23:46
arridatece il magenta babbei!
# 1286 le poittevin on 2007-11-19 16:04:06
les couleurs appartiennent à tous le monde. Ou vas t'on. Vas t'on empêcher un arc en ciel d'afficher du magenta !!!
# 1285 Wray on 2007-11-19 15:59:20
You can't own a color. I use magenta all the time.. retards
# 1284 Shenkie on 2007-11-19 15:50:23
We want Magenta back
# 1283 Massimiliano Fonzi on 2007-11-19 15:27:26
# 1282 renato tagli on 2007-11-19 15:20:44
i love you too!
# 1281 sabina oberholzer on 2007-11-19 15:18:21
we all love magenta. but now marryed! did he said yes?
# 1280 Luca on 2007-11-19 14:36:29
# 1279 Giovanni on 2007-11-19 14:09:20
# 1278 sajith on 2007-11-19 10:18:58
message to Tmobile: PISSUDA HUTTHO!?!
# 1277 Louise on 2007-11-19 10:04:14
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Just how could T-mobile think this is a good idea? Morons.
# 1276 FLOOD on 2007-11-19 05:40:13
C'est tellement absurde, je continue mes recherches pour m'assurer que ce n'est pas une blague... HONTE à T-Mobile si c'est vrai.
# 1275 rémi M on 2007-11-18 23:01:00
C'est un scandale, ils se croient tout permis.
# 1274 dK on 2007-11-18 22:43:12
To me a color is a way to express Ideas. Do we want to pay someone to express pur Ideas? GO FUCK OFF!!!
# 1273 martin tiefenthaler on 2007-11-18 17:22:26
of course i meant *own*. you have no idea what *owe* could mean…
# 1272 martin tiefenthaler on 2007-11-18 17:20:21
that's what's happening when the advertisment industry goes nuts. you don't owe anything, fuckers.
# 1271 Eric B on 2007-11-17 16:43:11
Only the day T-Mobile will invent a color outside of the normal light spectrum should the be allowed to patent that color. Would they have been able to get all the trees cut down if they had opted for green??? Let's sue Mother Nature!!!
# 1270 simina diaconu on 2007-11-17 15:26:20
how stupid possibilities can get over time. how is it possible to own a color? a color is smth like a public asset. this is getting kafkian.
# 1269 simina diaconu on 2007-11-17 15:20:43
how stupid possibilities can get over time. how is it possible to own a color? a color is smth like a public asset. this is getting kafkian.
# 1268 Alex Guerin on 2007-11-17 13:45:55
Ridicule. Bullshit.
# 1267 tAlpA on 2007-11-17 12:39:34
the war of colors! I want the 00a2ff :-P FREE MAGENTA!!!
# 1266 Olivier Bois on 2007-11-17 06:31:14
Une couleur, est une couleurs! Il ne faut pas exagérer, une couleurs, appartient à tout le monde et à personne. De quel droit, il on breveter une couleur, il faut être logique...
# 1265 Jean-Michel Carrier on 2007-11-17 01:26:29
Quelle teinte du magenta ont-ils breveté ? Saviez-vous que Sony a des brevets sur le jaune qu'elle réussit à produire avec ses écrans téléviseurs... tout aussi scandaleux.
# 1264 Dominic L'Heureux on 2007-11-17 01:03:48
Soon we will have internet in black and white...except for those company owning the colors...
# 1263 Some U.S. Soldier on 2007-11-16 23:44:42
Wow. What are they going to do now? Copyright all the colors?
# 1262 Enoch Winters on 2007-11-16 23:33:47
This is very possibly the worst thing I have ever heard of... "Barbie Pink" is also pretty dumb.
# 1261 Francise Labreche on 2007-11-16 22:49:52
Terrible est l'être humain. Il voit des rentes partout où il met le nez....
# 1260 Francise Labreche on 2007-11-16 22:49:36
Terrible est l'être humain. Il voit des rentes partout où il met le nez....
# 1259 J.Christian Gagnon on 2007-11-16 22:09:19
incroyablement con! we must not let this pass !
# 1258 Rodier on 2007-11-16 21:53:39
# 1257 Leonardo on 2007-11-16 21:11:46
some people will take the oxygen out of the atmosphere and sell it if they could
# 1256 Juli on 2007-11-16 19:44:11
Spectaculairement ridicule! Attendez; non il y a mieux: absurde,aberrant, anti-raison, apagogie, ballot, balourd, bête, biscornu, comique, contradictoire, crétin, dément, déraisonnable, dingo, dingue, extravagant, faux, fou, gratuit, idiot, illogique, illogisme, imaginaire, impossible, inadmissible, incohérent, incongru, inconséquent, incroyable, inepte, informe, insane, insensé, inutile, irrationnel, irréfléchi, loufoque, lunaire, mauvais, monstrueux, niais, non-sens, paradoxal, ridicule, saugrenu, sot, stupide, vain. Bref...Antonymes de : conséquent, fondé, judicieux, juste, logique, naturel, raisonnable, sage, sensé
# 1255 thomas lugagne - france on 2007-11-16 19:35:30
grave et nul mais pas de panique, ils ont été déboutés de leur "droit" ... personnellement j'aurais pris le bleu ... et chaque fois que vous auriez regardé le ciel, j'aurai touché des royalties !!
# 1254 thomas lugagne - france on 2007-11-16 19:35:21
grave et nul mais pas de panique, ils ont été déboutés de leur "droit" ... personnellement j'aurais pris le bleu ... et chaque fois que vous auriez regardé le ciel, j'aurai touché des royalties !!
# 1253 thomas lugagne - france on 2007-11-16 19:33:54
grave et nul mais pas de panique, ils ont été déboutés de leur "droit" ... personnellement j'aurais pris le bleu ... et chaque fois que vous auriez regardé le ciel, j'aurai touché des royalties !!
# 1252 Patrick Charpentier on 2007-11-16 19:28:20
Deutsch Telekom vient de signer l’arrêt de mort de l’industrie graphique, et le triomphe de la rhétorique juridique à la con sur la logique et le gros bon sens, rien de moins. Et en prenant les gens pour des imbéciles en croyant qu’ils associent la couleur magenta à DT automatiquement, on voit bien qu’ils veulent notre bien... et qu’ils vont l’avoir.
# 1251 Philippe Doyon on 2007-11-16 19:25:10
Colors weren't created. Nobody has rights over light.
# 1250 JBP on 2007-11-16 19:22:30
Complètement ridicule... Reste le cyan et le jaune brevèter et on devra cesser de regarder la télé, lire le journal, s'habiller autrement qu'en gris... Bref une vraie connerie...
# 1249 André Lussier on 2007-11-16 19:17:10
moi je brevète le ciel bleu et je poursuis Dieu pour utilisation abusive.
# 1248 Sylvain Racine on 2007-11-16 19:15:22
Sauvons le magenta!! Non au copyright des couleurs
# 1247 Veronique B on 2007-11-16 19:14:21
Je suis une designer graphique et je trouve que parfois certaine compagnie vont trop loin avec les brevets!! J'adore le magenta!
# 1246 Elena on 2007-11-16 19:03:57
ma che cavolata immaneeeeeeee!!!!!non è possibileeee
# 1245 Andrea on 2007-11-16 18:54:15
Ma ti pare che devono toglierci anke i colori???? FREE MAGENTA!!
# 1244 Alain Senécal on 2007-11-16 18:53:57
Ainsi, si j'avais une compagnie d'air conprimé, je pourrais interdire aux gens de respirer ?
# 1243 Youan L. Gagnon on 2007-11-16 18:52:49
Que le magenta se leve et se revolte !
# 1242 Mathieu Bergeron-Legros on 2007-11-16 18:47:57
Franchement pathétique ... et ces compagnies pensent qu'un va continuer à faire des affaires en les voyant agir de la sorte ?
# 1241 Jean Guilbert on 2007-11-16 18:42:45
Stupid claim... back to moyen age, when the Royal Blue was reserved to the king!
# 1240 nog on 2007-11-16 17:12:33
Je refuse, le magenta est essentiel
# 1239 JDL on 2007-11-16 16:51:11
je refuse!
# 1238 Jérémie on 2007-11-16 15:07:06
Aaah! Foutez-nous la paix!!
# 1237 Gibo Ricky on 2007-11-16 14:51:44
Perfect SPOT x T-Mobile
# 1236 Oliver on 2007-11-16 14:35:36
Boycott T-Mobile...
# 1235 Johnny Cola on 2007-11-16 14:30:10
Magenta al popolo!
# 1234 GIANFRANCO on 2007-11-16 14:27:48
# 1233 Guido Fioravanti on 2007-11-16 13:44:59
# 1232 Johan Renklint on 2007-11-16 13:17:35
Owning a color? Bizarre.
# 1231 Joanna Gasparski on 2007-11-16 13:16:47
# 1230 Marcus on 2007-11-16 13:07:33
# 1229 Dante de Letteriis on 2007-11-16 12:28:08
i colori appartengono all'umanità. FREE MAGENTA
# 1228 cartoone on 2007-11-16 12:28:00
free all colors!
# 1227 Roberto on 2007-11-16 11:59:58
free colors...
# 1226 mim2o on 2007-11-16 11:49:27
brevetteranno anche l'odore dei peti? Iniziamo a preoccuparci!
# 1225 manuel beretta on 2007-11-16 11:15:42
# 1224 Laetitia Lebar on 2007-11-16 10:57:57
They know their request will not be approved at terms, this story is just to speak about us !!! just for pub...
# 1223 Sos on 2007-11-16 10:21:38
Free colors to fight this human stupidity!
# 1222 v1nce on 2007-11-16 10:00:31
Oh, the very great world who we live... The human is beautiful, and is stupidity too !
# 1221 Sandee on 2007-11-16 09:59:08
Free Magenta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1220 ghilux on 2007-11-16 09:53:47
crétin d'allemands
# 1219 marco canaccini on 2007-11-16 09:50:52
reclaim magenta!
# 1218 lebogang nkoane on 2007-11-16 09:36:10
WTF??! This is wrong, no way no how, should this be allow, no way! What going to be next 0xygen?
# 1217 vSHU on 2007-11-16 09:20:04
# 1216 Marco on 2007-11-16 08:39:50
it's a shame!
# 1215 lambert on 2007-11-16 06:52:34
cette couleur est moche et donc elle devrait d'autant plus être accessible à tout le monde !
# 1214 smoondawg on 2007-11-16 05:38:40
This is clazy. I'm painting myself magenta forever if they somehow win this.
# 1213 dixieland on 2007-11-16 04:21:40
HEIT HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1212 Pierrot on 2007-11-15 23:45:33
LEs couleurs n appartiennent à personne
# 1211 Gianfranco Reppucci on 2007-11-15 23:41:58
Colours are free!
# 1210 Rom on 2007-11-15 23:25:53
From now on Black is mine ... You owe me a lot of money because of your background ...
# 1209 TomCallhagan on 2007-11-15 22:19:22
# 1208 Sophie on 2007-11-15 21:15:18
I like magenta, but this website uses pink. (but maybe I am daltonian) Free the magenta anyway.
# 1207 Kenjiclochette on 2007-11-15 20:36:49
Free Magenta, free the world, free your mind!
# 1206 Justin on 2007-11-15 20:30:30
i agree that the color spectrum should be free, magenta is a frequency of light of which T mobile did not create.
# 1205 Jean-Pierre on 2007-11-15 19:54:40
Freedom for Magenta now !
# 1204 Chourreu on 2007-11-15 19:28:55
Free Magenta !!
# 1203 ERIC LEFER on 2007-11-15 19:22:13
# 1202 Andrew on 2007-11-15 19:21:25
What a silly & greedy world we live in! Colors and phrases should never be claimed. History has given them to us.
# 1201 Gabrius on 2007-11-15 19:20:11
Free Magenta, Free colours, free air stop stupid patents.
# 1200 Yann Rabiller on 2007-11-15 19:16:48
What's the fuck ??? Free the magenta ! Kick out the patents ! Free the software, and the culture !
# 1199 Leo Tranchevent on 2007-11-15 18:57:00
Free the magenta
# 1198 Gaetano Impoco on 2007-11-15 17:07:39
What about a stronger regulation on what can be patented?
# 1197 Matley on 2007-11-15 16:14:41
Claiming a color?!?! Cool Idea. How much does the white one cost?
# 1196 Miriam Primbs on 2007-11-15 16:08:59
Colors are for everybody.
# 1195 alvaro on 2007-11-15 16:00:03
ma che vadano a fare in culo..
# 1194 alvaro on 2007-11-15 15:59:48
ma che vadano a fare in culo..
# 1193 Marco on 2007-11-15 15:38:26
# 1192 Teomando on 2007-11-15 15:19:59
Io abito a Magenta(MI) e considero questa trovata (pubblicitaria o no) offensiva per la mia città e per il sangue dei caduti che hanno dato il nome a questo colore
# 1191 zio on 2007-11-15 14:35:20
magenta libero! .....allora io dovrei avere i diritti per l'utilizzo del grigio topo....... no t-mobile (ma così quanti click si cuccano gratis pure loro... mah. bravo albertocane per la m inisbatta....
# 1190 gloscia on 2007-11-15 13:55:51
Sarà anche una mossa di marketing io il MAGENTA lo conosco bene, con lui ci lavoro tutti i giorni! Mi mancherà da morire.
# 1189 Cecilia Ricci on 2007-11-15 13:38:59
speak your mind
# 1188 Carla on 2007-11-15 13:10:17
Colours are for everyone.
# 1187 sokien on 2007-11-15 11:35:34
io registro la vita quindi gente cominciate a pagare....
# 1186 Alberto on 2007-11-15 11:09:33
Ho trovato il trucco che gabba il brevetto. Mi riferisco alla stampa tipografica in quadricromia ma a video è lo stesso basta cambiare i parametri in RGB. Allora il magenta puro è C0 M100 Y0 K0, che vuol dire zero di Cyan, 100 di Magenta, zero di Giallo e zero di Nero. Basta che io aggiunga 1 a uno dei tre colori a scelta e il Magenta si "sporca" di una piccola parte di un altro colore, invisibile a occhio ma non è più quello registrato.
# 1185 fede on 2007-11-15 10:42:57
# 1184 luigi on 2007-11-15 10:29:08
msg per Picchio: caro amico mi dispiace la topa l'ho giá registrata io
# 1183 on 2007-11-15 10:27:52
Dopo aver brevettato il Magenta pensavo di brevettare la D di Domodossola...
# 1182 claudio on 2007-11-15 10:17:13
free magenta
# 1181 pony on 2007-11-15 10:12:09
che ne dite di brevettare i crucchi? sarebbe un colpo geniale andare per iol mondo e dire i crucchi sono un brevetto italiano hihihihihihiihhii
# 1180 abitante di Magenta on 2007-11-15 09:52:15
Si sono comprati la città di Magenta? Oddio! Siamo in mano ai Crucchi!
# 1179 francesco on 2007-11-15 09:27:03
Free magenta.
# 1178 Picchio on 2007-11-15 01:57:37
...e se io registrassi la topa?
# 1177 dreamer on 2007-11-15 00:12:40
in the rainbow of my life there is Magenta colour, so, laydown your dirty hand from my rainbow please! thanks. Dreamers, 7 years old lady.
# 1176 lokke on 2007-11-15 00:03:07
una risata color MAGENTA li seppellirà ghghghghghgh!
# 1175 Sodeone on 2007-11-14 23:38:59
# 1174 TierrayLiberta on 2007-11-14 22:44:12
Ecco il risultato del capitalismo: colori, segmenti di codice genetico, parole e la libertà sotto chiave! Abbasso il capitalismo!!!!!!!!
# 1173 Amaro on 2007-11-14 22:41:19
Che volete di piu dalla vita ? Un Magenta !
# 1172 Rocco Sifredi on 2007-11-14 22:34:50
Si Eva, puoi usare solo vibratori neri, quelli da 50 ( cm) RIVOGLIAMO IL MAGENTA !
# 1171 Pantera Rosa on 2007-11-14 22:32:32
La RedBull ha anche la propietà del rosso lo sapevate? Red= rosso. Ammazza che furbi!
# 1170 rosa on 2007-11-14 22:28:36
Me frega niente odio il magenta so possono tenere tiè Viva il rosa che è piu delicato.
# 1169 Magenta Matt on 2007-11-14 22:19:59
Silly silly silly
# 1168 Ciano on 2007-11-14 21:36:34
intanto io mi sono registrato il CIANO
# 1167 il sindaco on 2007-11-14 21:35:43
la città di Magenta reclama il SUO colore
# 1166 il sindaco on 2007-11-14 21:34:41
la città di Magenta reclama il SUO colore
# 1165 RGB on 2007-11-14 20:17:53
all magenta to the soviets
# 1164 magenta is my home on 2007-11-14 20:09:37,+Italy&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title
# 1163 tony on 2007-11-14 19:42:40
prima di comprare il magenta avreste fatto bene a farvi una TAC per vedere se avevate ancora il cervello.
# 1162 Jason Bourne on 2007-11-14 19:37:42
shoot'em up ...
# 1161 Arrigo Sacchi on 2007-11-14 19:35:03
MAGENTA LIBERO !! Rosso in difesa e nero in pankina ....
# 1160 Arrigo Sacchi on 2007-11-14 19:34:32
MAGENTA LIBERO !! Rosso in difesa e nero in pankina ....
# 1159 gump on 2007-11-14 19:27:56
sisi, magenta con la pala!
# 1158 The Queen Elizabeth on 2007-11-14 19:12:13
I'm allowed to use Magenta in Buckingham Palace whenever I want... don't annoy me, darling
# 1157 Adolf Hitler on 2007-11-14 19:09:43
Magenta ist scheisse, javol!
# 1156 Davide E. on 2007-11-14 19:09:42
Free Magenta!
# 1155 Piero on 2007-11-14 19:09:22
# 1154 Jose Carioca on 2007-11-14 19:08:21
Yo no soy marinero soy capitan soy capitan soy capitan...
# 1153 Jose Parla on 2007-11-14 19:07:04
T Mobile can suck a dick!
# 1152 Eva Henger on 2007-11-14 19:06:54
State dicendo che non posso piu' utilizzare i miei vibratori color magenta?
# 1151 Vittorio Sgarbi on 2007-11-14 19:04:59
Chiunque abbia comprato il Magenta, e' uno stronzo
# 1150 Shiisa on 2007-11-14 19:02:00
If everyone claimed a color, we'd run out of wavelenghts!
# 1149 Ragazzo di Paola on 2007-11-14 19:00:48
Paola, e tu a chi appartieni?
# 1148 Giuseppe Garibaldi on 2007-11-14 18:59:28
Fratelli d'Italia l'Italia s'e' desta dell'elmo di scipio s'e' cinta l'magenta
# 1147 ma' genta on 2007-11-14 18:57:07
ma fatela finita gente
# 1146 leonardo on 2007-11-14 18:49:53
speak your magenta mind
# 1145 paola on 2007-11-14 18:43:42
I colori appartengono a tutti
# 1144 Joe VoccaBBella on 2007-11-14 18:32:11
ua s'ann fatt o'rros! UOMMN E LOT! V'ANNA MAGNA' e PCUN!!!!!!!
# 1143 Ivana on 2007-11-14 18:06:12
Liberen el magenta :'(
# 1142 non ci resta che vendere il culo on 2007-11-14 17:47:38
speak your mind
# 1141 La Contessa on 2007-11-14 17:34:08
Questa notizia mi lascia estevvefatta!
# 1140 Beatrice Borromeo on 2007-11-14 17:32:59
Io provo paura la sera, quando torno a casa nel mio attico di 200mq in pieno centro a Milano, a vedere tutti questi extracomunitari color magenta...
# 1139 Sergio on 2007-11-14 17:28:33
Ma come vi viene in mente di registrare un colore?! :D
# 1138 balrog on 2007-11-14 17:10:37
Più magenta per tutti!!!
# 1137 balrog on 2007-11-14 17:09:26
Più magenta per tutti!!!
# 1136 Tronco Cionco on 2007-11-14 17:08:12
spich ior maind
# 1135 krE_oo on 2007-11-14 16:53:12
f**k magenta and f**k you all, don't you have nothing better to do than these bullsh*t?
# 1134 name on 2007-11-14 16:52:47
speak your mind. L'avete voluto il capitalismo? Pedalate!
# 1133 krE_oo on 2007-11-14 16:52:18
f**k magenta and f**k you all, don't you have nothing better to do than these bullsh*t?
# 1132 name on 2007-11-14 16:52:08
speak your mind
# 1131 Gattuso on 2007-11-14 16:47:36
A rega' speak your mind, laif is nau
# 1130 boh! on 2007-11-14 16:39:06
Io voglio l'esclusiva per il colore nero... si può? Pazzesco!!!!
# 1129 lorenzo on 2007-11-14 16:23:37
don't make industries make their own colors and whatever God give us. Be free
# 1128 Baltic Man on 2007-11-14 16:20:26
# 1127 giupi91 on 2007-11-14 16:12:54
Non mi piace il Magenta, ma se lo voglio usare non devo chiedere il permesso a NESSUNO
# 1126 Simone Barchiesi - on 2007-11-14 16:10:44
that's incredible!!!
# 1125 You are all wrong! on 2007-11-14 16:03:56
You are all wrong! They only have the exclusive right to use magenta for commercial telecommunication products. Private use and use for other products is not forbidden!!
# 1124 lois on 2007-11-14 15:53:17
I patented Ferrari ref and Valentino's red: I'll be rich, or I'll live in a madhouse with RedBull and Teleocm managers. I'm going to patent the sex human parts: everyone will pay me to use them! eheheheheh!
# 1123 lois on 2007-11-14 15:51:24
I patented Ferrari ref and Valentino's red: I'll be rich, or I'll live in a madhouse with RedBull and Teleocm managers. I'm going to patent the sex human parts: everyone will pay me to use them! eheheheheh!
# 1122 lois on 2007-11-14 15:44:50
Ho brevettato il rosso ferrari e il rosso valentino: se non mi portano alla neuro (insieme ai pazzi della Telekon e della Red Bull) è la volta che divento ricco!
# 1121 Savio on 2007-11-14 15:36:01
Ma in che mondo viviamo?! O_O Addirittura si hanno i diritti sui colori! E' di una idiozia disarmante!
# 1120 name on 2007-11-14 15:24:03
speak your mind
# 1119 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 15:17:10
Tizziano! Arridacce 'l rosso!
# 1118 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 15:16:52
Tizziano! Arridacce 'l rosso!
# 1117 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 15:16:23
Tizziano! Arridacce 'l rosso!
# 1116 Kairu on 2007-11-14 15:15:29
Yeah! Free magnets for everyone! Magnets on every fridge! .. Wait, what?
# 1115 maurizio zaghetto on 2007-11-14 15:15:14
today magenta colour tomorrw will be who know what.maybe we will must pay royalties only for using our eyes or smelling etc etc.stop to this bullshits.back of free life
# 1114 lollo on 2007-11-14 15:14:35
ma(ke)genta di merda questi di tmobile..
# 1113 noaliby on 2007-11-14 15:12:49
speak your mind
# 1112 Ciccio on 2007-11-14 15:11:20
Certe ditte si definisco serie.... per me sono semplicemente da boicottare. Che cazzate, metteranno il copyright anche sui fiori? Andatelo a spiegare alle api, e ai fiori....
# 1111 Ginox on 2007-11-14 15:09:35
+ magenta x tutti
# 1110 Ginox on 2007-11-14 15:07:54
+ magenta x tutti
# 1109 PIccarda on 2007-11-14 15:03:19
hands off on MAGENTA! Copyleft, more magenta for everyone, you cannot buy what is not on sale!
# 1108 mr.golfino on 2007-11-14 15:00:48
di queste assurdità ne abbiamo già abbastanza!
# 1107 augh on 2007-11-14 15:00:25
shame on you, minus habens.
# 1106 Susanna on 2007-11-14 14:52:14
Ma lavorare invece di perdere tempo su simili cazzate, no?
# 1105 Enrico on 2007-11-14 14:45:46
Io voglio registrare il verde vomito, come posso fare?
# 1104 Tatinax on 2007-11-14 14:40:05
freedom for sweety Magenta!
# 1103 idman on 2007-11-14 14:38:51
You can register what you create, but not what nature has already created. MAGENTA BELONGS US, MAGENTA FREE!
# 1102 skunk9183 on 2007-11-14 14:35:38
# 1101 q. on 2007-11-14 14:34:35
actually their true aim is probably to claim possess of Magenta (Milan, Italy)
# 1100 Davide 'Dado' on 2007-11-14 14:28:49
Free all colour!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1099 Valentina Rebasti on 2007-11-14 14:20:24
free magenta!!!!! free colour!!!!!!!!!
# 1098 Robert De Niro on 2007-11-14 14:18:04
You talking to me?
# 1097 seresina on 2007-11-14 14:17:05
no one will buy the IDEA of magenta
# 1096 seresina on 2007-11-14 14:16:59
no one will buy the IDEA of magenta
# 1095 cinghios on 2007-11-14 14:16:43
Magenta libero!
# 1094 Pablita on 2007-11-14 14:15:12
# 1093 cifero on 2007-11-14 14:14:15
# 1092 pignasca on 2007-11-14 14:12:55
# 1091 Vittorio on 2007-11-14 14:08:25
Come on, people, let's register blue and red!
# 1090 akari on 2007-11-14 14:03:53
free magenta !
# 1089 rosaria on 2007-11-14 14:01:25
qualcuno ha dimenticato che sia un colore primario???? quindi anche il viola è meta della T-mobile????
# 1088 Ale on 2007-11-14 13:55:30
Piu Magenta Meno Chiese
# 1087 spike on 2007-11-14 13:42:01
colonnadurruty support free magenta...
# 1086 davide on 2007-11-14 13:39:29
freemagenta, now!
# 1085 namei on 2007-11-14 13:35:05
So, since magenta is a primary color: what of all colors derived from it? the orange? the violet? ... only one word ABSURD!
# 1084 Binchia on 2007-11-14 13:30:52
coglioni smettetela di commentare in italiano, questa pagina è scritta in inglese e la leggono tutti
# 1083 Binchia on 2007-11-14 13:30:06
copyright is for losers
# 1082 Binchia on 2007-11-14 13:29:39
copyright is for losers
# 1081 Binchia on 2007-11-14 13:28:40
copyright is for losers
# 1080 augusta on 2007-11-14 13:27:43
Everyday I make use of Magenta in my paintings because it's mine too and my kids' at school. Down your hands on Magenta!!!!!!!!
# 1079 Roberto on 2007-11-14 13:23:58
il copyright sui ve lo immaginate...è a dir poco mostruoso...
# 1078 Raymond Prucher on 2007-11-14 13:19:14
C?YK... Stop the litigation.
# 1077 morenz on 2007-11-14 13:17:28
let's wear magenta clothes. everyone!
# 1076 name on 2007-11-14 13:14:01
speak your mind
# 1075 silvs on 2007-11-14 13:13:01
sono solo cretini o soprattutto arroganti?
# 1074 laser on 2007-11-14 13:06:39
copyright is just old shit
# 1073 Kal on 2007-11-14 13:04:45
Magenta & Comic Sans for everyone!
# 1072 micca on 2007-11-14 13:01:57
# 1071 morenz on 2007-11-14 12:58:54
let's wear magenta clothes. everyone!
# 1070 neroBear on 2007-11-14 12:53:07
# 1069 Marchino on 2007-11-14 12:48:32
run for magenta, ron for your life...
# 1068 name on 2007-11-14 12:48:08
# 1067 Francesco on 2007-11-14 12:47:56
Ma siamo impazziti? MAGENTA PER TUTTI!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1066 Stop Bu$h! on 2007-11-14 12:46:59
Chissenefrega del magenta! Pensiamo alla guerra!cLa guerra in Iraq è iniziata con la scusa delle armi di distruzione di massa, che non esistevano. Cioè si è condotta una guerra con una BUGIA. Dopodiché, vista la figura di merda mondiale, la scusa è diventata la vaga pericolosità di Saddam, che era sì un dittatore, ma socio di affari della famiglia Bush fino al giorno prima. Inoltre, se questo non bastasse, in Iraq sono state usate armi non convenzionali, cioè appunto le armi chimiche che cercavano le hanno portate loro, e i corpi carbonizzati di Falluja ringraziano. Non so se avete visto qualche documentario: mostra l'esercito USA che spara delle bombe al fosforo sulle case di Falluja. Lo sapete cosa fanno quelle bombe? Tanta luce, ok, infatti gli americani hanno detto che le usavano solo per illuminare i rifugi dei "terroristi". Ma a parte questa minchiata, il fosforo brucia i corpi dall'interno, lasciando intatti i vestiti. Perciò si vedono questi corpi nell'esatta posizione in cui erano al momento dell'arrivo della bomba: alcuni dormivano, altri pregavano. Nessuno aveva un'arma in mano. Inoltre i vestiti rimangono intatti, perciò si può notare come nessuna delle vittime indossasse alcun tipo di divisa militare: erano tutti civili. QUESTO NON E' FORSE TERRORISMO?
# 1065 Stop Bu$h! on 2007-11-14 12:45:54
Chissenefrega del magenta! Pensiamo alla guerra!cLa guerra in Iraq è iniziata con la scusa delle armi di distruzione di massa, che non esistevano. Cioè si è condotta una guerra con una BUGIA. Dopodiché, vista la figura di merda mondiale, la scusa è diventata la vaga pericolosità di Saddam, che era sì un dittatore, ma socio di affari della famiglia Bush fino al giorno prima. Inoltre, se questo non bastasse, in Iraq sono state usate armi non convenzionali, cioè appunto le armi chimiche che cercavano le hanno portate loro, e i corpi carbonizzati di Falluja ringraziano. Non so se avete visto qualche documentario: mostra l'esercito USA che spara delle bombe al fosforo sulle case di Falluja. Lo sapete cosa fanno quelle bombe? Tanta luce, ok, infatti gli americani hanno detto che le usavano solo per illuminare i rifugi dei "terroristi". Ma a parte questa minchiata, il fosforo brucia i corpi dall'interno, lasciando intatti i vestiti. Perciò si vedono questi corpi nell'esatta posizione in cui erano al momento dell'arrivo della bomba: alcuni dormivano, altri pregavano. Nessuno aveva un'arma in mano. Inoltre i vestiti rimangono intatti, perciò si può notare come nessuna delle vittime indossasse alcun tipo di divisa militare: erano tutti civili. QUESTO NON E' FORSE TERRORISMO?
# 1064 art director on 2007-11-14 12:43:49
free magenta - in magenta - magenta power - magenta rules - cosa sarebbe la vita senza magenta?
# 1063 laz on 2007-11-14 12:42:29
T-Magenta? no way!
# 1062 name on 2007-11-14 12:39:04
speak your mind
# 1061 Manuela on 2007-11-14 12:37:25
You can't own a they realize how IDIOTIC this idea is? so then every fucking idiot can buy a color and what then? oh please get a grip ....idiots
# 1060 Ester on 2007-11-14 12:35:36
assolutamente contraria, ci mancava solo questa str.
# 1059 Ezio on 2007-11-14 12:35:01
Andate a cagare e tenetevi il marrone !!!!!
# 1058 Nico on 2007-11-14 12:32:16
Ovvìa, giù le mani dar magenta! Dé boia però ciavete propio una sega da fa' per penzà a veste 'ose...
# 1057 noname on 2007-11-14 12:31:01
but, but in that world we live?
# 1056 elisabetta - italy on 2007-11-14 12:30:41
this is maddness give it back
# 1055 djb on 2007-11-14 12:26:37
zo e man dal magenta!
# 1054 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:25:01
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1053 Frederic Argazzi on 2007-11-14 12:24:31
legalize it
# 1052 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:23:16
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1051 djb on 2007-11-14 12:22:22
zo e man dal magenta!
# 1050 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:22:14
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1049 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 12:21:59
Votatemi e in omaggio avrete una miniatura del sottoscritto vestito color magenta.
# 1048 Marco Liviero on 2007-11-14 12:21:30
Free Magenta, Magenta Libero,!!!
# 1047 enza fontana on 2007-11-14 12:20:07
non ci posso credereee!!! mio colore preferitoooo!!!!!!!!
# 1046 Sergio Franzese on 2007-11-14 12:19:14
liberate il magenta e prendetevi in cambio berlusconi
# 1045 Er Patacca on 2007-11-14 12:18:31
speak your mind, porcoddio
# 1044 Pasquale on 2007-11-14 12:18:29
questa ci mancava...
# 1043 name on 2007-11-14 12:17:31
speak your mind
# 1042 valentina on 2007-11-14 12:17:05
magenta free!!!
# 1041 name on 2007-11-14 12:14:13
speak your mind
# 1040 Enrico on 2007-11-14 12:12:16
Che stronzata... Ma non hanno niente di meglio da fare...
# 1039 raffaello mascetti on 2007-11-14 12:12:04
magenta is natural, deutsche telekom isn't
# 1038 Er Piotta on 2007-11-14 12:11:04
A ridatece er maggenta
# 1037 Massimiliano Ferrari on 2007-11-14 12:10:51
You just can't patent or register colours! It's just as if I would register the alphabet!
# 1036 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:10:45
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1035 claudio61 on 2007-11-14 12:10:00
liberate il magenta
# 1034 foresee on 2007-11-14 12:09:42
mark of the beast ...
# 1033 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:08:55
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1032 Sergio Simone on 2007-11-14 12:07:59
Sono magenta di rabbia!
# 1031 Franciesco Toti on 2007-11-14 12:07:45
Ma che state tutti a sbarella'... 'aa garbatella tutti usano er maggenta, pure zzia Erminia..
# 1030 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 12:07:05
Ai em God, hu du iu finch tu bi?
# 1029 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:06:43
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1028 Marco - Italy on 2007-11-14 12:06:33
Free Magenta!
# 1027 Luca Grasselli on 2007-11-14 12:06:25
Colours can't be private. Just God created them, and they should be available to all people all over the world.
# 1026 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 12:05:44
A coloro che hanno registrato il color magenta, potrei scritturarli per il ruolo di Kapo' nel nuovo film sui nazisti che sta uscendo in Italia...
# 1025 Cetto La Qualunque on 2007-11-14 12:04:38
chiu' magenta pe' tutti!
# 1024 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 12:03:23
L'Italia che ho in mente, e' un Italia Bianca, Verde e Magenta.
# 1023 francesco totti on 2007-11-14 12:03:15
Tizziano però c'ha 'l rosso suo.
# 1022 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 12:02:48
Se mi voterete, vi inviero' dai miei studi di Milano una copia del libro "L'Italia che ho in mente" con dedica autografata color magenta.
# 1021 0UNO on 2007-11-14 12:00:42
# 1020 Tiziano Demaria on 2007-11-14 12:00:34
PUBLIC DOMAIN ! Colors are PUBLIC DOMAIN as a piece of Bach or Beethoven! Nobody can put any right on PUBLIC DOMAIN's things COLORS are results of our retina and the light reality ... not fucking companies' inventions !!! ------------- PUBBLICO DOMINIO, i colori sono di PUBBLICO DOMINIO esattamente come un pezzo di Bach o di Beethoven. Nessuno puo' applicare il copyright a qualcosa di PUBBLICO DOMINIO ... I colori sono il risultato della nostra retina e della Natura ... non un invenzione di industrie del cazzo !
# 1019 Lucio Battisti on 2007-11-14 12:00:01
Balla la blinda... balla come sai...
# 1018 blinda on 2007-11-14 11:59:39
giarrettiere e pelo, mi raccomando.
# 1017 blinda on 2007-11-14 11:59:05
ma chi cazzo gliel'ha venduto il megenta?
# 1016 Filippo Facci on 2007-11-14 11:58:37
E' colpa di Di Pietro che in cambio di 100 milioni e una Mercedes ha dato il magenta alla RedBull per rimanere sveglio a Matrix
# 1015 blinda on 2007-11-14 11:58:34
ma chi cazzo gliel'ha venduto il megenta?
# 1014 Alberto Cane on 2007-11-14 11:57:11
Ci rubano anche i colori. Resistenza.
# 1013 Michela Brambilla on 2007-11-14 11:56:59
Gerrettiere magenta per tutte le donne non-comuniste d'Italia!
# 1012 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:56:20
Marcello, lo sapevo che eri tu, buontempone.. Liberiamo il mondo dai comunisti, e il magenta sara' libero.
# 1011 fantomas on 2007-11-14 11:56:11
# 1010 alessio caldarozzi on 2007-11-14 11:55:15
liberate i colori!
# 1009 Marcello Dell'Utri on 2007-11-14 11:54:12
Sono io Silvio che ti facevo uno scherzo: e ricordatevi tutti che il colore magenta non esiste, è tutta un'invenzione delle toghe rosse per farci paura
# 1008 Barbara on 2007-11-14 11:54:00
# 1007 Marcello Dell'Utri on 2007-11-14 11:53:12
Sono io Silvio che ti facevo uno scherzo: e ricordatevi tutti che il colore magenta non esiste, è tutta un'invenzione delle toghe rosse per farci paura
# 1006 lara seregni on 2007-11-14 11:51:53
magenta forever!
# 1005 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:50:18
"Ai consider sdes color Magenta nos onli a simple color bus is an universal messag of fridom ev dimocrasi"
# 1004 DIO on 2007-11-14 11:49:44
# 1003 DIO on 2007-11-14 11:49:35
# 1002 DIO on 2007-11-14 11:49:10
# 1001 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:48:49
In questo blog c'e' un impostore, un impostore sicuramente comunista!
# 1000 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:48:10
"Ai consider sdes color Magenta nos onli a simple color bus is an universal messag of fridom ev dimocrasi"
# 999 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:47:43
Votatemi e ci sara' magenta per tutti.
# 998 Federico Perugini on 2007-11-14 11:47:24
Colore libero!
# 997 Aldo on 2007-11-14 11:46:52
What if in the sky appers magenta? Would you charge God for it?
# 996 Max on 2007-11-14 11:46:18
il Magenta è NOSTRO di diritto!
# 995 pantera rosa on 2007-11-14 11:44:31
il magenta è MIOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
# 994 Angelo on 2007-11-14 11:43:19
Let it free!!!!
# 993 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:43:06
Introdurremo il magenta nella Casa delle Liberta'
# 992 Silvi on 2007-11-14 11:42:40
speak your mind
# 991 Angelfirefox on 2007-11-14 11:42:22
free magenta always!!
# 990 Berus on 2007-11-14 11:42:10
Magenta freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
# 989 Luca from Turin on 2007-11-14 11:42:08
are you crazy? Register a color? Maybe this companies want a fee from some butterflies too!
# 988 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:42:03
You are all communists
# 987 Silvio Berlusconi on 2007-11-14 11:41:43
I like the color magenta, because it's an example of freedom and democracy
# 986 Fabio on 2007-11-14 11:41:03
# 985 Matteo Corti on 2007-11-14 11:40:10
Registering colors is simply nonsense
# 984 Tella on 2007-11-14 11:39:57
Uncanny ....
# 983 Francesca on 2007-11-14 11:39:42
I colori non sono di proprietà di nessuno!
# 982 GM Willo on 2007-11-14 11:39:37
This is unbelievable!
# 981 Alessandro on 2007-11-14 11:39:13
I colori appartengono a tutti!
# 980 Dan on 2007-11-14 11:38:28
Let's patent all the visible spectrum minus magenta and let's sue T-Mobile for using all other colors....
# 979 maurizio on 2007-11-14 11:38:16
follia! liberiamo i colori!
# 978 cinzia on 2007-11-14 11:37:32
ridateci il magenta
# 977 francesca on 2007-11-14 11:37:27
This is just absurd. When will they claim the right to air, light and water? They did not invent the color, it's not theirs and they have no right whatsoever to claim it. And Magenta is a basic color, as well. Do they want to sue all artists and graphics that use it? Moronic, a show of greed and sick-mindedness. I used to have a T-mobile phone, but I'm going to change it.
# 976 Atlas on 2007-11-14 11:37:02
leave the colors to the world, leave magenta to creativity. FREE MAGENTA!
# 975 arcobaleno - arcoiris on 2007-11-14 11:36:47
il colore delle multinazionali è il nulla
# 974 arcobaleno - arcoiris on 2007-11-14 11:35:16
# 973 tarex on 2007-11-14 11:33:31
colors are free!!!!
# 972 arcobaleno - arcoiris on 2007-11-14 11:33:27
# 971 Alberto on 2007-11-14 11:33:00
Cancel your T-Mobile subscriptions, and stop buying Red Bull. THAT will hurt them the most...
# 970 micaela on 2007-11-14 11:30:52
FR33 MAG3NTA!!!!
# 969 La Strega on 2007-11-14 11:30:24
Magenta to the people!
# 968 Antonio Tripoli on 2007-11-14 11:28:49
Nature belongs to everybody!
# 967 Daniel REd on 2007-11-14 11:26:42
...e allora io mi brevetto il verde così madre natura mi darà un sacco di soldi!!!!!
# 966 w magenta on 2007-11-14 11:25:59
# 965 pablo on 2007-11-14 11:25:37
ahhahah, so what if i patent black 100%!!?? world is full of idiots
# 964 stop drinking red-bull on 2007-11-14 11:24:27
stop drinking red-bull
# 963 magtzedong on 2007-11-14 11:24:25
Free magenta, tiocazzo!
# 962 carlo on 2007-11-14 11:24:00
I can't believe this!!! They're buiyng off everything in our lives!!! que viva magenta!
# 961 milena on 2007-11-14 11:23:13
they did not invent this color, the colors are for all
# 960 Emanuele Gugliuzza on 2007-11-14 11:23:04
I colori sono di tutti ! Free magenta!! CMYK become C-REDBULL-YK
# 959 Emanuele Gugliuzza on 2007-11-14 11:22:50
I colori sono di tutti ! Free magenta!! CMYK become C-REDBULL-YK
# 958 andrea on 2007-11-14 11:22:04
la vie en magenta!!
# 957 angelica on 2007-11-14 11:21:45
This is blasphemy! This is madness!
# 956 Emanuele Gugliuzza on 2007-11-14 11:21:27
I colori sono di tutti ! Free magenta!! CMYK become C-REDBULL-YK
# 955 dario on 2007-11-14 11:21:03
oh my god ! crazy corporation i wont buy anything from you who stole my color
# 954 Greg on 2007-11-14 11:20:43
The whole idea is preposterous. Do they want me to take the magenta cartridge out of my color printer? Stop reading magazines (where magenta ink is used for color production)? One look at wikipedia ( indicates that there is a problem with their claim: They didn't come up with it (or even name it), and it was in common use for a long time before they came around. Anyway... how did I end up here?
# 953 mkland on 2007-11-14 11:20:10
magenta is a vibration is a passion not a manipulation. I hate red bull.!
# 952 Antonio on 2007-11-14 11:19:42
boicottiamo T.Mobile e Red Bull
# 951 Manuela on 2007-11-14 11:18:44
# 950 giacomo on 2007-11-14 11:17:59
are you freakin' crazy?? all you corporations won't have our colors! never!
# 949 Emanuele Gugliuzza on 2007-11-14 11:17:36
I colori sono di tutti ! Free magenta!! CMYK become C-REDBULL-YK
# 948 paolo on 2007-11-14 11:15:53
# 947 liri on 2007-11-14 11:12:25
speak your mind
# 946 Bob on 2007-11-14 08:45:28
How can this even be a problem ?
# 945 Dani Nordin on 2007-11-14 06:13:53
Brand strategy is one thing, monopoly is another... you can't claim ownership of a color that's intrinsic to basic color formation!
# 944 Moero on 2007-11-14 01:11:43
that's some bullshit
# 943 orac on 2007-11-13 22:01:25
no way! mmmmine!
# 942 otrec on 2007-11-13 20:43:29
# 941 wasitmeoryou on 2007-11-13 20:31:41
i just wonder what color registered/claimed by the Orange telecom!!
# 940 magentalover on 2007-11-13 20:22:30
magenta lovers! unite...let's grupie fuck their magenta a**holes!! of the T-mob and their attorneys.. pick your guy or girl here
# 939 astronautaperdido on 2007-11-13 20:15:52
fuck corporations!!!!!!!!
# 938 pisout on 2007-11-13 20:01:55
hey you! yes i am *alking about those use the T le***er. You will receive a le**er from WUES*HOFF&WUES*HOFF *he attorneys of the DT ! hahhaha
# 937 Linda on 2007-11-13 19:19:30
You can't copyright magenta. It's just a marketing strategy to get people to talk about T-Mobile.
# 936 Arpit Bhargava on 2007-11-13 17:41:57
This is insane. First they patent basmati, and now this. I suppose we should wait for the first person to patent black now. Don't look at the sky!
# 935 Paul A. on 2007-11-13 17:23:16
Free Magenta for everyone. T-COm sucks...
# 934 Revi K on 2007-11-13 17:18:08
Yeah fuck off T-Mobile, I don't see no ring on her finger?!
# 933 Kristy F, on 2007-11-13 16:25:12
# 932 Mike Garvey on 2007-11-13 16:15:48
I feel sorry for the print industry. No more 4-color process printing? C, T-mobile, Y, K
# 931 Miguel Sanchez on 2007-11-13 15:50:43
Damnation! What the hell am I supposed to use for my placeholders now?!
# 930 Raymond Manders on 2007-11-13 14:14:14
I think it's the joke of the century. No really. Don't worry, something like this will not hold in a court of law. Bad publicity for T-Mobile. Serves them right.
# 929 name on 2007-11-13 14:04:54
speak your mind
# 928 Austin Maguire on 2007-11-13 12:32:07
Why don't we claim ownership of conversation and ban T-mobile from carrying them
# 927 Matthias on 2007-11-13 12:27:31
»Eine Farbe für sich zu beanspruchen ist Unsinn, weil die Farben Gott gehören.« Gert Dumbar
# 926 tmobile sucks on 2007-11-13 11:46:57
leave the color alone you worthless phone company. you suck so bad you make sprint look good
# 925 you are all wrong on 2007-11-13 10:02:00
You are all wrong! They only have the exclusive right to use magenta for commercial telecommunication products. Private use and use for other products is not forbidden!!
# 924 dom on 2007-11-13 07:09:30
why are people so unkind?
# 923 eric on 2007-11-13 01:41:16
fuck you t-mobile
# 922 cbzakis on 2007-11-13 00:02:14
Some people just think they can own everything...terrible.screw you T-fucking-mobile
# 921 Natasha on 2007-11-12 23:26:19
I'm shocked and appalled
# 920 Michael Bevan on 2007-11-12 23:23:07
Corporate style guides gone mad! what next, suing someone for using the same kerning?
# 919 Stephanie Csonka on 2007-11-12 22:32:19
Color is the visual perception of light refractions and there's no owning that!
# 918 Tony on 2007-11-12 21:21:21
Lets all gang up and buy all the other colors so everything they do has to be magenta. We'll sue them for using black type and color photos.
# 917 alissa Marr on 2007-11-12 20:44:23
thats lame..
# 916 return on 2007-11-12 19:44:24
# 915 niklas on 2007-11-12 18:13:40
wtf? o.O ^^
# 914 luis on 2007-11-12 18:04:38
whats next we cant say the word mobile in our ads without getting sued, this is just how this brand shows their cercany to the people , i think i dont wanna be near them anyhow
# 913 Frans Beenen on 2007-11-12 17:18:33
There is a hyve as well on this topic! Please join ! And keep posting some magenta messages here ;-)
# 912 Konrad on 2007-11-12 17:11:09
give us back MAGENTA!
# 911 Karas on 2007-11-12 17:07:40
I want black on my own!
# 910 Janelle Utheim on 2007-11-12 16:42:36
T-Mobile isn't doing a very good job as I have NEVER associated magenta with them. Colors are colors, you can't own them!
# 909 Jim Morrison on 2007-11-12 16:37:27
Who owns blue?
# 908 Tina on 2007-11-12 15:28:31
It's seems to be unbelievable that an organisation can be so ignorant. Magenta belongs everyone!
# 907 Melisa on 2007-11-12 13:52:11
That's SO out of control!!! You can not own something we already use. stupid.
# 906 Frans on 2007-11-12 13:49:02
# 905 Leon on 2007-11-12 13:15:11
T-Mobile are best described as 'minimal'
# 904 Dan Kershaw on 2007-11-12 12:56:54
This is so stupid. They need to be stopped!
# 903 Thiago Rocha on 2007-11-12 12:47:51
This is ridiculous.
# 902 Bernhard Huber on 2007-11-12 12:44:39
nothing special
# 901 Richard Newton on 2007-11-12 11:47:16
This is madness, and probably not legally enforceable!
# 900 Rick Jesse on 2007-11-12 09:53:52
You cannot trademark a colour...what happens to all the flowers.....I mean Orange hasn't sued anyone for the use of the word orange in fruitshops. This is human GREED beyond redemption.
# 899 Rick Jesse on 2007-11-12 09:50:52
You cannot trademark a colour...what happens to all the flowers.....I mean Orange hasn't sued anyone for the use of the word orange in fruitshops. This is human GREED beyond redemption.
# 898 magenta andy on 2007-11-12 09:33:57
keep it free
# 897 Marion Loring on 2007-11-12 06:19:56
Magenta is a color, nobody owns a color!
# 896 peggy on 2007-11-12 06:12:36
everyone should leave T-fucking-mobile
# 895 Haw on 2007-11-12 05:57:54
# 894 Arthur on 2007-11-12 04:23:56
Magenta belongs to the world!!
# 893 sabah on 2007-11-12 04:18:16
lame, im going to cingular.
# 892 jim on 2007-11-12 03:51:44
get fucking real T..
# 891 Joy on 2007-11-12 03:28:42
Dude, what the fuck are all you companies thinking that you own the bloody colours of the rainbow??? >_>0
# 890 Leander Huizinda on 2007-11-12 03:13:39
this is insane
# 889 Jeroen van Norren on 2007-11-11 22:32:01
# 888 Robert Seddon on 2007-11-11 21:21:55
Couldn't they at least have acquired less of a lynchpin colour: some garish shade of pink, perhaps? Magenta is sort of important for YMCK purposes.
# 887 Corentin Pirard on 2007-11-11 21:05:33
# 886 Anouk on 2007-11-11 18:29:14
How can anyone even think of claiming a color?? what an arogance!
# 885 magentaRAGE on 2007-11-11 18:22:01
How did such BS make it through the registration process???
# 884 L. van Beethoven on 2007-11-11 18:19:30
And i am claiming G major!
# 883 RAKE on 2007-11-11 17:06:12
I can't believe it... no comment!
# 882 Sparklepuffs on 2007-11-11 14:11:25
I can't believe people have to sign a petition to stop a company from doing something so ridiculous.
# 881 Jeffrey Neering on 2007-11-10 22:54:49
i hope no one ever owns the rights to my skin color, then i'd be fucked...
# 880 Cutis loves magenta on 2007-11-10 21:36:45
colors for everyone
# 879 Jeffrey Neering on 2007-11-10 21:24:43
i hope no one ever owns the rights to my skin color, then i'd be fucked...
# 878 durfturf on 2007-11-10 21:24:21
ya'll just got T PUNKT
# 877 Michael Farrell on 2007-11-10 21:16:27
why dont you just take cyan yellow and black? and sue everyone!!!
# 876 Magenta Lover on 2007-11-10 20:52:09
You can't own a color
# 875 Arden-Hanna on 2007-11-10 20:31:38
Magenta is mine...Sir William Henry Perkin and myself began work on this new color in the eighteen hundreds.
# 874 Peaceful Lake on 2007-11-10 19:56:16
# 873 Torri Winograd on 2007-11-10 19:51:57
speak your mind
# 872 Tsooj on 2007-11-10 19:47:02
Can I claim the color white? Or is white even a color? How many colors can I claim? How much color does a design have to contain to sue them for using your color? what if a building is tanned your claimed color for 1 hour a day by the sun, can they rent that color for that period? k i'll stop now.
# 871 Zeta on 2007-11-10 19:05:15
If they claim the color magenta (and any other color) of their own, anyone can claim the ownership of the light itself! Sue the sun!
# 870 mariana gogu on 2007-11-10 18:09:36
This is a Pink Apartheid!!
# 869 Volk on 2007-11-10 17:14:12
C -T- Y K
# 868 Becca Garcia on 2007-11-10 15:48:40
You can't claim a light refraction. It's ridiculous.
# 867 til01 on 2007-11-10 15:26:08
I register light and dark and as we all know everything is light and dark so shot down the planet earth its mine T-mobiles Fuck off
# 866 til01 on 2007-11-10 15:25:55
I register light and dark and as we all know everything is light and dark so shot down the planet earth its mine T-mobiles Fuck off
# 865 til01 on 2007-11-10 14:59:43
I register light and dark and as we all know everything is light and dark so shot down the planet earth its mine T-mobiles Fuck off
# 864 Kostas on 2007-11-10 14:56:42
Ainte re kai gamitheite
# 863 Steve on 2007-11-10 11:59:53
I just registered black yellow and Cyan, I urge T-mobile to change their website and remove these colours at once !
# 862 Wesley on 2007-11-10 11:41:47
Run Magenta Run!
# 861 Benji Davin on 2007-11-10 11:08:58
This is ridiculous the rainbow is the property of no one!
# 860 Hunter Oatman-Stanford on 2007-11-10 07:54:38
ridiculous. I already own magenta.
# 859 Chad Kouri on 2007-11-10 03:58:13
Come on... are we two years old? This not being able to share has gone too far. I feel like this is a south park episode.
# 858 David Sieren on 2007-11-10 03:52:01
This is fuckin bullshit. Stop it. Now.
# 857 Tyler Fabeck on 2007-11-10 03:50:43
this is bullshit how can you claim a color that is not custom made
# 856 Jamie on 2007-11-10 00:54:22
I came to this site thinking it was a joke. If this were true, Apple should start sueing every company that makes a white electronics product. Is this seriously for real?
# 855 Karey on 2007-11-10 00:20:00
You can have Catherine Zeta-Jones all you want...BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE MAGENTA!
# 854 Alex on 2007-11-10 00:08:30
I think T-Mobile are fair in claiming that they "own" Magenta, I think we should remove the colour from real life, including your Televisions and Monitors, unless they are displaying the T-Mobile Logo, anything with the exact colour that T-Mobile use should be burnt, or spray-painted a different colour. Lawl, screw T-Mobile.
# 853 name on 2007-11-09 23:25:18
magenta jail break here:
# 852 Casey on 2007-11-09 23:21:35
I don't much like the color magenta but no one should own a color, that's just ridiculous!
# 851 Marcus on 2007-11-09 23:10:25
Meine Mama würde sagen "Ma gen` da jetzt hin und machen Rabatz!"
# 850 Marcus on 2007-11-09 23:10:11
Meine Mama würde sagen "Ma gen` da jetzt hin und machen Rabatz!"
# 849 Mag on 2007-11-09 23:02:49
My name's Magenta, should I pay them too? This is SHEER MADNESS!!!
# 848 Stacy on 2007-11-09 22:58:02
# 847 Syik on 2007-11-09 21:48:09
Yeah! Free magenta! This is ridiculous. They dun have brain and sense anymore, are they?
# 846 Jason T. on 2007-11-09 21:13:23
Eff you T-Mobile. You can't have exclusive rights to a color.
# 845 marco on 2007-11-09 20:53:50
i have a pending patent on oxigen and on light!
# 844 Fuxia on 2007-11-09 20:46:54
Magenta belongs to the people! Give it back!
# 843 Filz on 2007-11-09 19:08:00
Boycot em. And let other's see what we can accomplish together. Don't just say what you feel, Use the web..
# 842 Tim Terpstra on 2007-11-09 18:49:52
Ridicolous, T-Mobile did not invent the colour!
# 841 Katja Zadnicek on 2007-11-09 18:03:31
Free Magenta!
# 840 Mark on 2007-11-09 17:57:14
When will they sue Xerox and HP for selling Magenta toner
# 839 Michele on 2007-11-09 17:49:44
free !!! colours FREE!!!
# 838 Siem on 2007-11-09 17:15:10
They can't be serious... I'm going to get patent on air!
# 837 Marino on 2007-11-09 16:54:48
don't fudge with my color spectrum... I'll get hex code on your arse...#FF00FF
# 836 Marino on 2007-11-09 16:27:25
don't fudge with my color spectrum... I'll get hex code on your arse...#FF00FF
# 835 Liza Domingues on 2007-11-09 16:24:32
set magenta free
# 834 Adam on 2007-11-09 15:59:44
how tarded
# 833 rosa bjork on 2007-11-09 13:36:53
like the guys below: only cyk and please dont let anyone be able to register a cocacola red then also forbidden!!
# 832 magnus on 2007-11-09 13:23:48
trademark yourself before somebody else does.
# 831 magnus on 2007-11-09 13:21:58
trademark yourself before somebody else does.
# 830 Puck on 2007-11-09 12:44:32
I'm buying the sun!
# 829 John on 2007-11-09 12:41:33
I like the idea beeing a gangta using magenta!
# 828 Julia Fellner on 2007-11-09 12:23:33
# 827 Vectorpimp on 2007-11-09 12:22:09
So, all we can use now is CYK ?
# 826 Vectorpimp on 2007-11-09 12:22:03
So, all we can use now is CYK ?
# 825 Tiziana Scaffeo on 2007-11-09 12:05:36
I feel so fuchsia inside!
# 824 philipp on 2007-11-09 11:55:35
Buy your communication tools only from people who have more reasonable ideas of communication between human beings than the Telekom executives. Please take note that this behaviour ist not representing the german people, but it is a shame for them.
# 823 Lucas Mezencio on 2007-11-09 11:39:41
Free Magenta!!!
# 822 greg leone on 2007-11-09 10:49:47
Lets claim white and grey so tmobile will only be able to communicate with one color... I think i will claim triangle, round and square shapes as well!!...
# 821 Sjeffers on 2007-11-09 10:29:16
dumb-ass germans, stop the madness
# 820 ianduelmx on 2007-11-09 10:16:48
How come??!! I think they're being selfish on colors. Colors can be seen everywhere, anywhere, anytime and everytime. Why should they claim a color that it's a human's discovery of colors, and not them!!! WTF!!! Did they invented the color "magenta"?? nonsense!!!!!
# 819 Daneel Olivaw on 2007-11-09 10:01:10
Daneel Olivaw, the magenta robot! ;)
# 818 lisa on 2007-11-09 09:52:28
# 817 Harold Houdijk on 2007-11-09 09:51:26
Oh my god... Someone stop this corporate nonsense!
# 816 Plastic on 2007-11-09 09:42:29
Free Magenta for everyone. Shit on Telekom
# 815 Tom Hamel on 2007-11-09 08:17:03
T-Mobile is talking shit, WE WONT LET THEM TAKE OUR MAGENTA!! colors arent owned by anyone... colors are just colors
# 814 Kyle on 2007-11-09 05:50:39
Maybe they feel they can do this because Barbie copyrighted "barbie pink" - This is an attack against creative freedom, I think T-Mobile should be boycotted.
# 813 Marvin on 2007-11-09 05:42:31
Best give me my magenta back fool!
# 812 Tara on 2007-11-09 05:22:17
This is craziness!!!
# 811 Edmund on 2007-11-09 04:49:07
Noooo.... no such thing!!! Give us back!!!
# 810 Namm on 2007-11-09 04:21:56
So stupid !
# 809 Dazjae Wilson on 2007-11-09 04:10:18
It is insanity to try to trademark a color. As a citizen I am totally against this and will think twice before using Tmobile services.
# 808 Dazjae Wilson on 2007-11-09 04:10:09
It is insanity to try to trademark a color. As a citizen I am totally against this and will think twice before using Tmobile services.
# 807 Tim Magenta on 2007-11-09 04:08:10
Brilliant Crimson Aniline Dyes Forever!
# 806 Matthew Limmer on 2007-11-09 03:35:42
Are we just going to CYK now?
# 805 Haik Avanian on 2007-11-09 03:17:44
Even after years and years of more and more absurd copyrights, this still amazes me.
# 804 shorz on 2007-11-09 02:59:05
What's next? A copyright on sleep and insomnia. I'll be the only one left getting richer in my sleep ;-))
# 803 David Alexander on 2007-11-09 02:49:46
Even after years and years of more and more absurd copyrights, this still amazes me.
# 802 Chaz on 2007-11-09 02:43:36
Just for that I'm go to trademark the letter T
# 801 H Duarte on 2007-11-09 02:38:27
They did not create magenta, so it should not be just theirs
# 800 noir on 2007-11-09 02:34:14
how selfish, magenta is my favorite color. is their branding/marketing so poor they have to "steal" a color to stand out?
# 799 NoLoveLost on 2007-11-09 02:23:14
T-Moble is insane
# 798 William Esdale on 2007-11-09 02:18:53
# 797 ATNEGAM on 2007-11-09 02:14:21
# 796 ATNEGAM on 2007-11-09 02:14:02
# 795 Salabim on 2007-11-09 02:06:44
Don't claim what you didn't invent by yourself
# 794 Brayhan Hawryliszyn on 2007-11-09 00:50:47
Free magenta!!!
# 793 Brandon on 2007-11-08 23:53:38
give it back plz
# 792 byron borst on 2007-11-08 23:30:51
I live in Magenta city, near Milan. Free magenta!
# 791 pastelnation on 2007-11-08 23:14:34
stop copyrighting life!!!! free your mind free your world
# 790 rachel on 2007-11-08 23:11:34
that's crap. stupid company.
# 789 Jeremy M on 2007-11-08 22:55:50
Im going to trademark air... no one can breath unless they pay me.
# 788 Viki on 2007-11-08 22:42:24
CTYK from now on then? Free it damn it!
# 787 Ilovepie on 2007-11-08 22:23:06
After we've done this maybe we should try and win Orange and Black back from the Orange phone company :)
# 786 eyal on 2007-11-08 21:52:00
give us magenta back!! NOW!!
# 785 Leah on 2007-11-08 21:51:48
give us magenta back!!
# 784 jamie on 2007-11-08 21:40:42
not the gemans again
# 783 luna on 2007-11-08 21:05:09
Magenta rolf
# 782 Plunk on 2007-11-08 20:48:57
Plunk support Free Magenta!
# 781 Sakki on 2007-11-08 20:28:07
# 780 Steve Sincero on 2007-11-08 20:24:36
Has anyone asked how Cyan, Yellow or Black feel about being left out; T-Mobile... what a bunch of color elitest snobs.
# 779 Ed on 2007-11-08 20:23:37
Magenta is a universal free color. Like the other...
# 778 Nick Scotting on 2007-11-08 20:12:29
I own RGB but open to offers.
# 777 Obi on 2007-11-08 20:08:12
You can have m if I get c, y and k!
# 776 Rutger on 2007-11-08 20:04:11
Could I get my T-Mobile in blue. please?
# 775 TINKEBELL. on 2007-11-08 19:57:10
magenta is mine!
# 774 Marte Arink on 2007-11-08 19:40:36
What a crap!!! Where does this end up?
# 773 Paul on 2007-11-08 19:19:08
What are the folks at T-Mobile smokin' and can I get some. I see in magenta.
# 772 Deborah Nall on 2007-11-08 19:12:58
This really can't be happening!?! What is this world coming to!
# 771 Rachel on 2007-11-08 19:11:54
Poor Magenta, what did it do to deserve this? Eh, T Mobile sux anyway
# 770 stacey on 2007-11-08 19:10:38
# 769 Frieda Colours on 2007-11-08 19:06:35
Ich mag Enta!
# 768 Paul on 2007-11-08 19:03:08
What are the folks at T-Mobile smokin' and can I get some. I see in magenta.
# 767 Loro on 2007-11-08 19:02:27
Free Magenta!!!
# 766 Ivan on 2007-11-08 18:52:53
Vogliamo colori liberi!
# 765 maus on 2007-11-08 18:50:47
can I still picture some magenta rainbows in my mind ?
# 764 Naim on 2007-11-08 18:39:58
Oh.. anothe rmarket opportunity,
# 763 Albrecht Birkner on 2007-11-08 18:30:20
stop the magenta thieves
# 762 Fritz on 2007-11-08 18:26:48
Farben gehören allen!
# 761 jon creighton-griffiths on 2007-11-08 18:11:46
i hereby claim white. now i sit back and wait for the money to roll in {steeples fingers, sits back in high backed leather arm chair,and laughs like an evil genius}
# 760 BvdB on 2007-11-08 18:05:56
T-Mobile / Deutsche Telekom AG. Come on. Get real.
# 759 Dario Santomarco on 2007-11-08 17:48:11
It's ridiculous, they are burglars!!!
# 758 1suisse on 2007-11-08 17:47:31
# 757 MYgenta, OURgenta - not YOURgenta on 2007-11-08 17:41:28
Free Nelson Magenta!
# 756 Irakli West on 2007-11-08 17:23:43
Not yours. Everyone's.
# 755 Fabio Franz on 2007-11-08 17:02:58
# 754 Matthew Morris on 2007-11-08 16:50:27
Who the hell do they think they are, first Magenta, next it will be Poland!
# 753 Valerio Francesco Vallone on 2007-11-08 16:44:07
Free magenta!
# 752 Sachi on 2007-11-08 16:37:48
Use your time and brains for doing something useful
# 751 Anees Uddin on 2007-11-08 16:35:45
A life without Megenta would suck, BIG TIME. Dont' send us back to the stone age!! I think you should patent lightwaves in general.
# 750 Dario Inserra on 2007-11-08 16:33:46
A color as a Trade-Mark? Are you kidding??? Let's stop this non-sense!
# 749 Lorenzo Gerli on 2007-11-08 16:26:21
# 748 Francesco Visani on 2007-11-08 16:23:04
Dear T-Mobile... the color is the light .... you can't to patent the light ?
# 747 Giorgio Gangemi on 2007-11-08 16:14:14
I will NEVER buy a T-Mobile product...
# 746 Rodrigo Urquiza on 2007-11-08 16:12:41
The Color is public property! Should never be owned by anyone! FREE MAGENTA!!!
# 745 Vissy on 2007-11-08 16:09:20
Stupid T-Mobile. How the feck can you 'claim' a colour?
# 744 Marissa Blaszko on 2007-11-08 16:01:26
well that's pretty much the dumbest thing i've ever heard. it's not even that tied in with magnta to begin with...
# 743 Giuseppe on 2007-11-08 15:48:39
More magenta for everybody!!!! :D
# 742 Filippo Marchesani on 2007-11-08 15:35:52
How can you patent a color? Do you think you are God?
# 741 Rodrigo Urquiza on 2007-11-08 15:35:03
The Color is public property! Should never be owned by anyone! FREE MAGENTA!!!
# 740 Giuseppe Sacco on 2007-11-08 15:30:20
It's silly you claim right over a color, and more silly is who ever think about granting you such a right. So, sue us all !!!!
# 739 Naan on 2007-11-08 15:04:04
The color spectrum is a Designers alphabet.. Don't give us a speaking disorder..
# 738 Matt on 2007-11-08 14:42:09
Instead of focusing on frivolous matters, how about you guys actually make a service that works? Cellphones suck anyway, and T-Mobile is for fat virgins.
# 737 Jean-Sébastien Furer on 2007-11-08 14:30:19
M ay A ll G ents E nd N one sense T mobile A ttack !
# 736 Greg on 2007-11-08 13:52:52
Viral marketing ...
# 735 sophear V F on 2007-11-08 12:38:13
Please, leave Magenta alone!
# 734 Erwan Frotin on 2007-11-08 12:38:06
You color-fucker, let Magenta go ! You can't own the wavelength 500 to 530 nm !
# 733 Mathieu Perroud on 2007-11-08 12:28:52
Magenta is the new black!
# 732 purplesimon on 2007-11-08 12:08:46
Hey, magenta is close enough to purple that you're annoying me with your attempts to claim it as your own. Idiots that you are at D. Telekom.
# 731 Chris Manuputty on 2007-11-08 11:38:24
Bellen kan je niet met T-Mobile, lachen wel! Wat een joke!
# 730 Chris Manuputty on 2007-11-08 11:38:19
Bellen kan je niet met T-Mobile, lachen wel! Wat een joke!
# 729 Chris Manuputty on 2007-11-08 11:38:09
Bellen kan je niet met T-Mobile, lachen wel! Wat een joke!
# 728 flow on 2007-11-08 11:15:56
can't be right! also visit !
# 727 Leonieke Borghuis on 2007-11-08 11:15:31
speak your mind
# 726 Rob de Bree on 2007-11-08 10:58:06
Ik ken een ontwerpbureau met de naam "Magenta", wat moeten zij nu doen? 'Binnenkort zijn er razzias in drukkerijen, om te controleren of er niet nog toevallig een 4-kleuren pers staat. ' 'Magenta claimen? prima, maar dan kan T-mobile geen TV reclame meer maken, aangezien RGB geclaimed is door een verbond van commerciele TV zenders.' 'Basisscholen verdacht van magenta-misbruik.'
# 725 RENÉ DE JONG on 2007-11-08 10:56:38
Sorry I'm color blind
# 724 Suzanne de Goeij on 2007-11-08 10:49:06
Als iemand de kleur magenta mag claimen dan is het CosmoGIRL!, de grootste meidenglossy van Nederland. We think, eat, breath magenta. Sterker nog, wij ZIJN magenta. Maar wij geloven niet in claimen, wij geloven in delen. Magenta is van iedereen. Moeten we houden zo!
# 723 name on 2007-11-08 10:45:28
speak your mind
# 722 Sylvain D. on 2007-11-08 10:41:13
Magenta as in magenta speach
# 721 Janno Heck on 2007-11-08 10:35:26
Free Magenta!
# 720 mil on 2007-11-08 10:24:47
free magenta
# 719 Magenta on 2007-11-08 10:20:20
I here ...
# 718 Björn Höglund on 2007-11-08 09:47:17
Boycott T-Mobile! Don't buy their shit.
# 717 yoann on 2007-11-08 09:39:03
can i claim the word MAJENTA ? So they won't be able to call their color. They'll have to rename it, so we will be able to use magenta
# 716 yoann on 2007-11-08 09:38:57
can i claim the word MAJENTA ? So they won't be able to call their color. They'll have to rename it, so we will be able to use magenta
# 715 Phil on 2007-11-08 09:27:36
Let them have it, it's so 80s,. Oh no, hang on a sec, the 80s are back! give me back my Magenta!!!
# 714 Phil on 2007-11-08 09:25:07
Let them have it, it's so 80s,. Oh no, hang on a sec, the 80s are back! give me back my Magenta!!!
# 713 Danielle P on 2007-11-08 06:58:47
As a graphic designer, this is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. This is unfair to the rest of the world.. it's as bad as trying to own a specific letter of the alphabet.
# 712 Paul Hughes on 2007-11-08 05:26:57
R228.G34.B128 - Is now the new - 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0. How can you own a color? Are they gonna sue God and Nature for using it in rainbows and on flowers?
# 711 dawn on 2007-11-08 05:17:34
Seriously? Magenta?? Are they going to sue printers who still print 4/c? What about other industry competition, are they allowed to print 4/c since they'd technically be using Magenta??
# 710 rob on 2007-11-08 04:39:33
...I mean colours are particular frequincy bandwiths (or somehting) of light. This is bonkers
# 709 bob on 2007-11-08 04:15:59
T-mobile is the worst cell phone company available.
# 708 magenta is my homegirl on 2007-11-08 04:13:52
# 707 Seed Design on 2007-11-08 03:57:16
This is sickening. Did T-Mobile develop the colour? No... it isn't theirs to copyright. I guess I'll be sticking to Vodafone (or possibly Orange, unless they try something similar!)
# 706 Peter Again on 2007-11-08 03:48:09
...I mean colours are particular frequincy bandwiths (or somehting) of light. This is bonkers
# 705 Peter Again on 2007-11-08 03:47:53
...I mean colours are particular frequincy bandwiths (or somehting) of light. This is bonkers
# 704 Peter Again on 2007-11-08 03:22:01
...I mean colours are particular frequincy bandwiths (or somehting) of light. This is bonkers
# 703 Peter on 2007-11-08 03:20:32
Why do companies keep copyrighting things like colours!? Why I can't sing "Happy Birthday" in a movie without paying some company $10k?
# 702 gayle on 2007-11-08 02:49:31
Love it. And now I'm off to use as much T-Mobile Magenta™ as I possibly can in a couple postcards I'm doing:) Idiots.
# 701 Indifferent on 2007-11-08 02:10:24
I thought Sir Clive Sinclair had copyrighted all the shit colours of the rainbow back when he came up with the Sinclair "computers"? Seriously T-Mobile - fuck off.
# 700 Indifferent on 2007-11-08 01:52:02
I thought Sir Clive Sinclair had copyrighted all the shit colours of the rainbow back when he came up with the Sinclair "computers"? Seriously T-Mobile - fuck off.
# 699 Macky on 2007-11-08 01:28:20
Are you fucking insane MAGENTA IS FOR ALL!!!
# 698 Hau on 2007-11-08 01:21:09
The colors of this website hurts my eyes
# 697 tux on 2007-11-08 00:57:59
Ubuntu is wel van iedereen!
# 696 tux on 2007-11-08 00:55:44
Ubuntu is wel van iedereen!
# 695 Anita on 2007-11-08 00:38:27
C_YK? Please.
# 694 DOMINA on 2007-11-08 00:11:18
I'm sorry - you know that breathing thing you do with your lungs? I own that and if you keep doing it, I'll sue you.
# 693 DOMINA on 2007-11-08 00:10:45
I'm sorry - you know that breathing thing you do with your lungs? I own that and if you keep doing it, I'll sue you.
# 692 Caroline on 2007-11-08 00:01:08
You can't take a color. It's just not right.
# 691 Steph on 2007-11-08 00:01:07
all your magenta below to me
# 690 Magenta on 2007-11-07 23:26:13
T-mobile is my pimp.
# 689 Chitra on 2007-11-07 23:22:44
I own magenta. And every other color. I wont give Big Brother the right to take my magenta away from me
# 688 G-Diz on 2007-11-07 23:21:50
Wow! The World just got that much more retarded!!!
# 687 piotrek on 2007-11-07 23:21:43
Don't they also own the letter T and some real estate on the sun?
# 686 apna on 2007-11-07 23:14:21
There's a limit to corporate b***sh*t and T-Mobile just took it too far. You don't own shit. You are who you are because of your clients...the people. Don't ever forget that.
# 685 G-Diz on 2007-11-07 22:52:57
Wow! The World just got that much more retarded!!!
# 684 itsAmeyer on 2007-11-07 22:27:08
Could a future scenario be that only the biggest companies can use colors? And coul this save the enviroment in any way?
# 683 R on 2007-11-07 22:17:20
I'd be happy to switch my from using T-Mobile pre-paid. I'm in The Netherlands so if someone gives me a good alternative I'll never use T-Mobile again.
# 682 Baz on 2007-11-07 22:04:48
Although I think this is the ugliest of colors, I do not think T-mobile should hold the right to keep it for themselves. They should make thheir brand recognizable in a different way!
# 681 Freedom 4 all on 2007-11-07 21:44:31
None own colors
# 680 alexandre bettler on 2007-11-07 21:40:11
# 679 bob on 2007-11-07 21:19:32
I use c=0% m=100% y=0 k=0.1% anyway. sckrs.
# 678 name on 2007-11-07 21:18:07
# 677 Fook on 2007-11-07 21:05:48
Mispelling: "their" should be "they're"....
# 676 Fook on 2007-11-07 21:04:17
U can't claim a color. WTF..... Next their gonna try to claim the letters T and the word Mobile....
# 675 Fook on 2007-11-07 21:04:03
U can't claim a color. WTF..... Next their gonna try to claim the letters T and the word Mobile....
# 674 Druse on 2007-11-07 20:32:55
This is completely ridiculous. I am a customer of T-Mobile and am from this moment considering leaving them. Retards.
# 673 Matt on 2007-11-07 20:02:03
WTF... W... T... F... o u t r a g e o u s. How much stupidity are people going to let companies get away with nowadays...
# 672 Andrew Ironwood on 2007-11-07 19:51:24
Free Magenta! Free Cyan! Free Apricot! Free Chartreuse! C'mon! They should *all* be free! Trademark yer dernded *designs*, not the *colors* -- that's like composers copyrighting "individual musical notes*!!! (Oops, you can't use Middle C anymore -- it's mine now, I bought the rights...)
# 671 Sjakie on 2007-11-07 19:42:23
Leave magenta alone!!!
# 670 waterstof on 2007-11-07 19:38:13
How is it possible to claim something you didn't create?
# 669 ryko on 2007-11-07 19:06:30
can''t you just rename it, like call it Bob or something, as long as it's still 100%, M
# 668 Philip on 2007-11-07 18:58:03
I don't even own a T-Mobile PHONE!
# 667 Bonnie on 2007-11-07 18:49:24
It's simply retarded
# 666 Piebe on 2007-11-07 18:31:40
MAgenta is ours not theirs !!!!!!!
# 665 Sam on 2007-11-07 18:31:32
Magenta is public domain.
# 664 Andy! on 2007-11-07 18:27:31
Free Magenta!
# 663 27bis on 2007-11-07 18:24:05
MAGENTA free !
# 662 choaty on 2007-11-07 18:23:33
Bullshit. How can you copywrite a naturaly occuring colour?
# 661 soso on 2007-11-07 18:16:49
magEnta is the new NO!!
# 660 Soso on 2007-11-07 18:16:21
Maganta is the new no!
# 659 Soso on 2007-11-07 18:14:38
Maganta is the new no!
# 658 Mariella on 2007-11-07 18:05:31
no way!!! No one should be able to copyrigth a color!!! c'mon!!!
# 657 Chriswhubbard on 2007-11-07 17:52:54
BOYCOTT T-MOBILE!!!!!!!!!!! Don't support a company who does this, and use a design friendly carrier!
# 656 MA-WEB.NL on 2007-11-07 17:48:40
mediacollege amsterdam eist magenta voor iedereen!!
# 655 MA-NET.NL on 2007-11-07 17:47:54
mediacollege amsterdam eist magenta voor iedereen!!
# 654 anouk on 2007-11-07 17:42:28
PINK YOURSELF !!!!!!£@£$%6*|$!@±±54^&*(£$?>}}{!!!*+=$$£££@££!!!*
# 653 Pedro Sarmiento on 2007-11-07 17:40:12
wow, I thought we did away with the nazis
# 652 yoshitoshi on 2007-11-07 17:37:00
oh c'mon! it's just retarded!
# 651 Meminho on 2007-11-07 17:30:40
Magenta is gaaaaaay!
# 650 Bjarte Kvinge Tvedt on 2007-11-07 17:12:49
Noone should be able to copyright a certain color!
# 649 infograf768 on 2007-11-07 17:06:58
anyway the colour is fushia and magenta comes from the name of a battle. I'll do my print jobs now in CFYK (Cyan Fushia Yellow Black) ROTFLOL
# 648 zhe on 2007-11-07 17:06:21
magenta for all!
# 647 name on 2007-11-07 17:03:51
speak your mind
# 646 marcel on 2007-11-07 16:41:35
fuck the telekom
# 645 silvan on 2007-11-07 16:39:51
magenta is a gay color anyway
# 644 silvan on 2007-11-07 16:38:22
magenta is a gay color anyway
# 643 Bram on 2007-11-07 16:30:16
Bull-S! You can't claim a colour... well, you can "claim" it of course by promoting it that much that the first reference of people by the colour will be you, but sueing other companies is bullshit!
# 642 barendservert on 2007-11-07 16:12:22
with these kind of actions,sometimes i think kapitalists are the new nazi's. get your hands off basterds!
# 641 on 2007-11-07 16:07:55
Magenta is the air we breathe. In fact the Berlin based »Magentamann« is no person for real, but more an idea of a design superhero somewhere between illustration and interaction, that allows us to question our tasks without borders in mind. There should be no limits to perspective, time, tools, style, size and different layers of sense, as well as to the use of any colour in this world.
# 640 Bo on 2007-11-07 15:56:09
Hands off from Magenta!!! MezZzEnda RulzZz!!!!
# 639 Bo on 2007-11-07 15:56:05
Hands off from Magenta!!! MezZzEnda RulzZz!!!!
# 638 Bo on 2007-11-07 15:56:00
Hands off from Magenta!!! MezZzEnda RulzZz!!!!
# 637 Bo on 2007-11-07 15:55:55
Hands off from Magenta!!! MezZzEnda RulzZz!!!!
# 636 Bo on 2007-11-07 15:55:50
Hands off from Magenta!!! MezZzEnda RulzZz!!!!
# 635 Flcn on 2007-11-07 15:52:29
# 634 Dylan on 2007-11-07 15:28:43
People all over the world.. Stop having sex (except with me of course)... I own the copyright to intercourse TYoo bad for all ya fellas out there... And ladies, you are all welcome here... Boyu am I gonna be busy
# 633 Dan SOLO* on 2007-11-07 14:55:02
T-Mobile can Suck my Magenta coloured COCK!!! What a bunch of idiots! Next thing you know, they'll be trademarking the letter ' T ' !?
# 632 richard on 2007-11-07 14:24:17
To be quite honest I was rather skeptical at first. I couldn’t believe that a company could claim to own a colour. Went to the t-mobile website and sure enough ‘the T-MOBILE acoustic logo, and the color magenta are registered and/or unregistered trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG in the US and/or other countries.” What the f*ck?
# 631 Frans Beenen on 2007-11-07 14:08:56
Ik heb een Hyve gemaakt: doe de magenta! check , wordt lid en support! Tevens ruimte om jouw favoriete magenta plaatjes te uploaden en discussies!
# 630 idiots. on 2007-11-07 14:04:05
speak your mind
# 629 Mr Bicho on 2007-11-07 14:03:03
I really would like to hear T-mobiles version of this. I suspect they see it in another matter than just "we own magenta". That is just stupid and can of course not be registred as a trademark. If T-Mobile use the color magenta in a communicative way and others use the same way to communicate - then its the method of communication that is stolen. Not the color it self. But I dont know the story behind this at all - so I sign this if the story really is about magenta as a trademarked color. Because that is just stupid.
# 628 name on 2007-11-07 13:59:10
speak your mind
# 627 Maaike de Laat on 2007-11-07 13:45:50
Claiming the rights to a colour is already a bad idea, but claiming one of the four main printing colours (CMYK) is simply rediculous.
# 626 Mike on 2007-11-07 13:43:57
Cyan is mine... I called it first!
# 625 Willem on 2007-11-07 13:30:53
Rediculous. Who can claim ownership of a color!?
# 624 Camille Acey on 2007-11-07 13:28:35
This is nonsense. Does anyone have any more ideas about what to do about it?
# 623 Ellen on 2007-11-07 13:27:44
TeleWho??? ;-) FREE MAGENTA!!!
# 622 Ben Blauw on 2007-11-07 13:19:58
En Ben-blauw is zeker ook nog van hun? Schijt T-mobile
# 621 Jan-Erik on 2007-11-07 13:19:00
Free Magenta!
# 620 Jan-Erik on 2007-11-07 13:18:50
Free Magenta!
# 619 sabrina on 2007-11-07 13:09:40
scheiß telekom sag ich nur!
# 618 Viktor on 2007-11-07 13:06:01
Stop using T
# 617 Jan-Erik on 2007-11-07 13:03:07
Free Magenta!
# 616 on 2007-11-07 12:56:45
How can this be possible! A stop should be put to this!
# 615 David on 2007-11-07 12:56:09
Magenta is one of the prime printing colors and printed media are a form of communication. I can't believe anyone can claim to own this color. And by the way, if T-Mobile tries to sue you why not just say "it's not magenta, it's pink".
# 614 BigVoet on 2007-11-07 12:52:54
This is B.S.!!
# 613 Alice on 2007-11-07 12:29:14
It's really unbelievable. I' m so angry for this terrible news
# 612 fee on 2007-11-07 12:00:09
# 611 Rogier on 2007-11-07 11:51:40
slaps T-Mobile around a bit with a large trout!!!
# 610 Rogier on 2007-11-07 11:51:31
slaps T-Mobile around a bit with a large trout!!!
# 609 Ryou on 2007-11-07 11:45:29
Seriously, do they think they invented that color or something? >__>
# 608 T2000 on 2007-11-07 11:44:54
Ik vind wat de anderen ook vinden (maar zij vinden het in het Engels...)
# 607 Steve on 2007-11-07 11:42:01
If we're owning colours, i choose yellow!
# 606 hugo on 2007-11-07 11:38:05
het is ook onze magenta
# 605 David on 2007-11-07 11:29:32
No more magenta for me. Ever!
# 604 Rutger on 2007-11-07 11:17:15
Vodafone here I come.
# 603 Barbie on 2007-11-07 10:51:46
Pink is mine!!! It belongs to me!
# 602 nerd van de week on 2007-11-07 10:37:15
wat ken mij het nou verrotten !!!
# 601 Tunod on 2007-11-07 09:58:16
...this is the single most thoroughly ridiculous 'trademark' I have ever seen. Seriously, T-Mobile, what the hell?
# 600 j.visschedijk on 2007-11-07 09:56:16
speak your mind
# 599 Jort on 2007-11-07 09:44:05
A color is a color and nothing to be claimed! It's not like T-mobile inventing this beautiful purple. Who do they think they are!
# 598 Bill Clinton on 2007-11-07 09:35:02
I did not claim that color!
# 597 Luis Martin on 2007-11-07 09:10:56
It's a crazy world.
# 596 Outraged on 2007-11-07 09:06:18
Cadbury Had trademarked the colour royal purple or something lioke that, they may still have, and even when I was a kid i found this ridiculous and un-wordly, I say that colours should be free to use by any persons at anytime. I agree to this pertition. Let magenta + purple be free.
# 595 sex on 2007-11-07 08:58:02
lolz give my colours back, i need magenta more than torquise, have that
# 594 Outraged on 2007-11-07 08:54:18
Cadbury Had trademarked the colour royal purple or something lioke that, they may still have, and even when I was a kid i found this ridiculous and un-wordly, I say that colours should be free to use by any persons at anytime. I agree to this pertition. Let magenta + purple be free.
# 593 name on 2007-11-07 08:48:33
speak your mind
# 592 lol on 2007-11-07 07:42:57
omfg [/s]purple[/s] magenta rocks!!
# 591 Richard Wikström on 2007-11-07 07:37:36
hell no!
# 590 Louis on 2007-11-07 07:07:35
Time for some boycotting, whos the president of t-mobile? gotta piece of rope? carpet?
# 589 Amanda on 2007-11-07 06:51:58
Thick... just unbelievably THICK!
# 588 Jon Dyke on 2007-11-07 06:46:32
# 587 sebastian on 2007-11-07 06:05:05
what. on. earth. thats outrageous, and mighty arrogant of T-mobile. colors, reflections of light, whatever one calls them, you can't own it. x
# 586 Alex on 2007-11-07 05:40:04
When my 2-year cell phone contract with T-Mobile is over, I'm switching to Verizon. T-Mobile sucks anyway, and now they want magenta. Screw you T-Mobile!
# 585 Tim L. on 2007-11-07 03:34:11
T-Mobile: are you guys OK? Trademark the Sun and sue the whole planet for using your property. Why not? Wanna follow SCO for "copyrighting" Linux?
# 584 See-ming Lee on 2007-11-07 02:36:47
Absolutely agree. Magenta is one of three core brand colors for SML Brands and it is unheard of that a brand can claim a color use for a brand. SML Suggestion to DT lawyers: rephrase your materials and say that the T-Mobile Magenta is a registered brand color of the T-Mobile.. afterall, it's just a pantone spec, right? I would like to thank Kit Latham aka Tarky7 for the tip on his blog. Cheers, SML
# 583 Weed on 2007-11-07 02:32:59
no more MAGENTA plz!!!!!
# 582 CReg on 2007-11-07 01:46:47
T-Mobile shouldn't be able to trademark a color!
# 581 Kurt von Tiehl on 2007-11-07 00:59:52
This is just insulting - I copyringht the letter 'T' because it is one of my initials! I now will sue T-Mobile for infringing upon my copyright! And you'd better watch it too, ! Gonna sue ya TWICE, for that URL.
# 580 Ian Pensinger on 2007-11-07 00:49:53
This is completely... stupid.
# 579 Tomasz Zelmański on 2007-11-07 00:44:05
It's just sick!
# 578 Schnikkel on 2007-11-06 23:52:05
I hate magenta, so the more company's they sue, the less pink I see.
# 577 Tinrib on 2007-11-06 23:48:01
I hereby claim the letter 'e' and all that resembles it as my own... Anyone wanting to use this letter from now on is asked to consult me first... Also, I claim ownership of Moscow, the Baltic states and will hereby claim that I am the owner of Abraham Lincoln, since in his Gettysburg address he used the word 'scores' which was once uttered by one of my forefathers... Besides that... If any of you idiots are as bold as to use the color 'black' for your typing, my lawyers will have your ass. I've been typing in black for years, and I have prints to show for it...
# 576 Lettie on 2007-11-06 23:34:18
What colour is EPO T-mobile ?
# 575 Chris on 2007-11-06 23:33:47
Screw you T-Mobile, You damn A-Hole.....
# 574 Chris on 2007-11-06 23:27:04
Don't you dare claim this awfull colour, T-Mobile! Go screw yourself!
# 573 robb on 2007-11-06 23:23:06
i am redoing all of my web materials in magenta. go ahead. sue me you jerks, i have no funds! mwhahahahahahahahaa.
# 572 name on 2007-11-06 23:14:21
speak your mind
# 571 name on 2007-11-06 23:05:37
speak your mind
# 570 JenDragon on 2007-11-06 23:02:27
I don't think it should be considered trade mark infringement to use a color if you are not imitating the design.
# 569 deke smith on 2007-11-06 23:01:07
# 568 MostlyHarmless on 2007-11-06 23:00:18
I guess you patent a color like you patent a way to swing on a playground side to side. (Yes someone patented that)
# 567 JP on 2007-11-06 23:00:00
Fuck T-mobile... claim my ass, not magenta!
# 566 che on 2007-11-06 22:44:41
Where are we going to ? Just look around & think about it ! YES ! Human kind is fucked up !
# 565 Travis on 2007-11-06 22:37:09
How can you patent a color.. So stupid
# 564 Bart on 2007-11-06 22:36:31
oh hush! They've got their free publicity now so it's done already.
# 563 Kris on 2007-11-06 22:36:04
I am sure everybody that did not know t-mobile before know t-mobile now. You are actually helping them achieving their goals with this site.
# 562 sunny side on 2007-11-06 22:35:53
# 561 Vossie on 2007-11-06 22:35:28
T-mobile is doing a good job, goooooooo T-mobile!
# 560 puno on 2007-11-06 22:33:39
# 559 Mariel on 2007-11-06 22:29:54
What the hell, we don't have the right to use any colours we want anymore? It's pathetic. What'll happen when every colour gets copyrighted, eh?
# 558 Chris on 2007-11-06 22:23:46
Why don't you just copyright Sine waves while you're at it? Money grubbing faggots.
# 557 Porno Gerrit on 2007-11-06 22:22:00
# 556 Johannes on 2007-11-06 21:58:49
Claim the rights for the use of air while you're at it. Stupid.
# 555 Remco on 2007-11-06 21:56:15
It's impossible to copyright magenta, it's basic nature rights.
# 554 blinder on 2007-11-06 21:26:11
yeah i never did like magenta, t-mobile can have it! the pansies!!! oh... did i just write that? no wait... hay! i wants my magentas!!!
# 553 AMJ on 2007-11-06 21:21:39
Pretty soon we will run out of colors and those who can't afford will be stuck with black and white...unless those are trademarked too...then what?
# 552 st on 2007-11-06 21:17:32
something tells me T-Mobile is behind this site too right?
# 551 tosti on 2007-11-06 21:14:04
how dominating....
# 550 name on 2007-11-06 21:13:06
speak your mind
# 549 Mr. Magenta on 2007-11-06 21:12:33
Copyrighting a color is stupid. Nature invented color - not T-mobile. If you can't sue Nature for infringement then T-mobile should shut up and sit down.
# 548 Mnky on 2007-11-06 20:58:42
speak your mind for what it is
# 547 Brakovich on 2007-11-06 20:58:40
T-mobile is going nuts. What the hell do those nitwitz think man! Think that they are God!? Stop using T-mobile!
# 546 name on 2007-11-06 20:54:50
speak your mind
# 545 Mathieu on 2007-11-06 20:54:00
The figure "1" makes it easy to divide mankind in 10 groups. Those who understand binairy and those who don't.
(Sorry, for the
# 544 Onionlord on 2007-11-06 20:53:19
# 543 Mathieu on 2007-11-06 20:51:10
I want the rights over the figure "1" and all the numbers it appears in.
# 542 Mathieu on 2007-11-06 20:50:59
I want the rights over the figure "1" and all the numbers it appears in.
# 541 name on 2007-11-06 20:49:46
speak your mind
# 540 Mathieu on 2007-11-06 20:45:29
I want the rights over the figure "1" and all the numbers it appears in.
# 539 Lajos aka the Deviatoor on 2007-11-06 20:41:55
Achtung baby! I am claiming the color of white and the letters r i c e - I'll be richer than Bill Gates! Seriously this was one of the most stupid and greedy things I have seen in a long time - may their attempt at this fail !
# 538 Koen on 2007-11-06 20:28:35
I want the rights over the sunlight.
# 537 Crapinabus on 2007-11-06 20:20:13
If they get magenta, I want black.
# 536 T-man on 2007-11-06 20:10:47
They can have magenta, if I can have the letter "T"
# 535 T-man on 2007-11-06 20:08:55
They can have magenta, if I can have the letter "T"
# 534 Rob on 2007-11-06 20:04:19
All your magenta belong to us...
# 533 name on 2007-11-06 20:00:29
speak your mind
# 532 the man on 2007-11-06 19:58:43
what a bull shit
# 531 Koen Bosman on 2007-11-06 19:57:53
This shouldn't be allowed..
# 530 Leon on 2007-11-06 19:57:27
T-Mobile go to........
# 529 Leon on 2007-11-06 19:56:27
T-Mobile go to........
# 528 John Moneypenny on 2007-11-06 19:54:46
Copyrighting a color is stupid. Nature invented color - not T-mobile. If you can't sue Nature for infringement then T-mobile should shut up and sit down.
# 527 djinas on 2007-11-06 19:54:11
T-Mobile ? Never heard of it..
# 526 TK on 2007-11-06 19:50:04
T-Mobile should copyright the rainbow cause they are GAY!
# 525 Ma on 2007-11-06 19:47:47
fuck t mobile
# 524 Name on 2007-11-06 19:46:40
I lay claim to #3c7a85
# 523 Rik on 2007-11-06 19:45:03
I want to claim the color green , so i can kill all the trees and plant so this stupid nonsence will die
# 522 wileybob on 2007-11-06 19:43:00
I say we take it back bt force..... but if they win i got dibs on Chartreuse (#7FFF00)
# 521 JohannesB on 2007-11-06 19:41:45
My balls are magenta. My balls have a good lawyer
# 520 Shannon on 2007-11-06 19:37:12
I can haz Magenta Plz?
# 519 ThomaZ on 2007-11-06 19:36:39
T-Mobile, don't make me go Chuck Norris on yo ass!
# 518 T-mobile are dog cunts on 2007-11-06 19:35:03
Nobody can own a color
# 517 Swerm on 2007-11-06 19:33:50
Cyaan heerst toch meer
# 516 A not the S on 2007-11-06 19:32:57
No C*YK!!!!!!
# 515 Lane on 2007-11-06 19:32:19
Technoviking doesn't dance to Magenta, Magenta dances to Technoviking
# 514 Mark on 2007-11-06 19:30:52
Free Magenta! It's not a statement, it's a command!
# 513 Afraid of the business Gestapo on 2007-11-06 19:20:43
When did colours become another thing that companies can now charge you for using?
# 512 Lameness on 2007-11-06 19:20:34
No T-Mobile, you can't has magenta. Not yours.
# 511 Bahman Afsardir on 2007-11-06 18:58:31
This is absolutely ridiculous! You can't own a color!
# 510 T-Mobile are cunts! on 2007-11-06 18:51:49
T-Mobile Can Suck My Balls!!
# 509 magneta on 2007-11-06 18:33:37
T-Mobile needs to work on it's service,plans etc. considering they suck.
# 508 Jared on 2007-11-06 18:29:22
I use sky blue to advertise so do I also own the sky?
# 507 h.marty.v on 2007-11-06 18:12:01
I love magenta ... but not when it's owned by the man. I want to love again!
# 506 chloe nicolle on 2007-11-06 17:47:21
# 505 Chris Simmons on 2007-11-06 17:44:13
I used to support your cycling team - not any longer old chap, this is just too fucking stupid. Businesses are demanding (and getting) too much power - it is time we all fought back. My next webby will be magenta themed (Fark'em)
# 504 el_rocie on 2007-11-06 17:24:20
free magenta!
# 503 Skeleton Splatter on 2007-11-06 17:04:30
This site hurts my eyes! Bleah -- NO ONE should use this horrible color! To hell with T-Mobile!
# 502 Nemo on 2007-11-06 17:01:58
Sue the sun! It keeps flooding all Europe with magenta!
# 501 olfa on 2007-11-06 16:52:19
what is magenta?
# 500 olfa on 2007-11-06 16:33:34
what is magenta?
# 499 olfa on 2007-11-06 16:27:46
what is magenta?
# 498 SUPERPEPIN on 2007-11-06 16:27:13
# 497 Jacob on 2007-11-06 16:25:31
# 496 olfa on 2007-11-06 16:24:25
what is magenta?
# 495 Damask on 2007-11-06 16:11:58
T-Mobile can't even handle the powers within magenta!
# 494 lagalga on 2007-11-06 15:58:18
free Nelson Magenta!
# 493 luisb on 2007-11-06 15:57:32
magenta is the new black
# 492 luisb on 2007-11-06 15:57:16
magenta is the new black
# 491 CP on 2007-11-06 15:42:02
You can't claim a color you dimwits! Freedom of color FTW
# 490 Paul Bacay on 2007-11-06 15:32:44
Boycott T-Mobile. Let them rot in bankruptcy hell. Then let's see if magenta can save them
# 489 Adam Hudyma on 2007-11-06 15:28:04
Magenta is mine! :)
# 488 Andrey Garcia on 2007-11-06 15:23:11
These guys are crazy. Let's rename color Magenta into something else and continue use of it. =)
# 487 OP on 2007-11-06 15:22:37
My favourite colour. Same with Fabs.
# 486 ruben verkuylen on 2007-11-06 15:06:01
magenta FTW, not for t-mobile
# 485 Brian Powers on 2007-11-06 15:02:42
Magenta for the people, not for the chosen few!
# 484 Anton Sotkov on 2007-11-06 15:00:21
The color is not a subject to get the right to own it.
# 483 Healther on 2007-11-06 14:46:15
Only green is healthy!
# 482 Andreas Olsson on 2007-11-06 14:42:55
# 481 Naan on 2007-11-06 14:36:28
From now on, I'm dedicated
# 479 Peter Nilsson on 2007-11-06 14:30:25
speak your mind
# 478 Dennis Grupe on 2007-11-06 14:18:29
# 477 the world community on 2007-11-06 13:55:47
everybody go magenta!
# 476 jefe on 2007-11-06 13:49:59
telekom must die
# 475 rocco on 2007-11-06 13:08:19
i hope that O2 doesn't claim his name, i like the oxygen i breath right now.
# 474 romanes on 2007-11-06 13:00:25
# 473 charlie on 2007-11-06 12:56:20
you can not own!! a primary colour darling
# 472 Graham on 2007-11-06 12:35:19
use Orange instead!
# 471 Alex on 2007-11-06 11:34:23
This is madness! We need register word like "Mobile" and fuck the T-Mobile =))))
# 470 Alex on 2007-11-06 11:34:18
This is madness! We need register word like "Mobile" and fuck the T-Mobile =))))
# 469 Alex on 2007-11-06 11:33:25
This is madness! We need register word like "Mobile" and fuck the T-Mobile =))))
# 468 on 2007-11-06 11:17:16
nooit van ze lang zal ze leven
# 467 dieter on 2007-11-06 10:45:55
i claim the colour #C0FFEE
# 466 xMAGENTAx on 2007-11-06 10:36:16
it's mine!
# 465 mr. I hatemonays on 2007-11-06 10:04:23
# 464 name on 2007-11-06 10:03:44
speak your mind
# 463 Ermo Leenders on 2007-11-06 09:56:43
Drommels Drommels Drommels!
# 462 Paul Versteeg on 2007-11-06 09:43:25
free magenta for everyone!!
# 461 Ermo Leenders on 2007-11-06 09:42:34
Drommels Drommels Drommels!
# 460 Pleun Beijsens on 2007-11-06 09:32:33
I hate T-Mobile
# 459 name on 2007-11-06 08:41:56
speak your mind
# 458 name on 2007-11-06 08:41:45
speak your mind
# 457 Adam on 2007-11-06 08:39:34
Give us back magenta! Did they invente the colour RGB for it or what?
# 456 Jurgen Eric aka Gun on 2007-11-06 07:37:17
Youth against establishment!
# 455 The ex-magenta-idiot master on 2007-11-06 07:25:49
Idiocy in a brand new level. Congrats.
# 454 andreja on 2007-11-06 06:58:21
bloody bastards!
# 453 Alex on 2007-11-06 06:40:53
You are crazy, people! Don't let money make you stupid enough to try to buy all the magenta color in the world :) this is absolutely crazy.
# 452 Liam Keane on 2007-11-06 05:27:07
TMobile, I own grey and gray the other half of your logo. Prepare to be sued.
# 451 Jeroen Haan on 2007-11-06 03:38:15 // this contribution is flagged
I changed the colour of my logo into magenta: Who joins my alternative protest? Let’s change everything into magenta!! Maybe we must setup a charity fund to support the victims in court! Cheers
# 450 Juan Costa Paz on 2007-11-06 03:14:13
Hey T.Mobile.... FUCK OFF!!!!!!
# 449 Typehigh on 2007-11-06 02:21:12
I use magenta. Sue me.
# 448 jasons on 2007-11-06 00:53:20
I support freedom of color. If this doesn't work, I am going to claim Helvetica, and start the sueing process of all high tech companies.
# 447 michael j. on 2007-11-06 00:49:14
I heard they are going to claim air and sound next.
# 446 PORTUGAL on 2007-11-06 00:46:47
STOP RIGHT NOW, just because I Love majenta
# 445 Rachel on 2007-11-06 00:40:44 // this contribution is flagged
You can't copyright a colour... That's like saying 'Ok, God, give me a quarter everytime You put out the rainbow!'
# 444 Troy Servent on 2007-11-06 00:23:26 // this contribution is flagged
T-Mobile:... Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? ...Guess they can't hear me. Will have to use some other service.
# 443 Sam Nau on 2007-11-06 00:11:24
You can't trademark a single color no more than you can trademark the rights to air or the question mark. This is just plain ridiculous of them to be so obtuse.
# 442 Rusty Shackleford on 2007-11-05 23:34:49
That's gay. Magenta is a free color Hell, my face is turning magenta from being so angry at this!
# 441 Jurica Grosinger on 2007-11-05 23:08:13
T-Scum strikes one more time! Let's strike back and show them (and other corporations that could start with similar nonsense for that matter) freedoms democratic worlds do or should enjoy and also quiet them down for good.
# 440 goncalo gomes on 2007-11-05 23:04:40
who ownes the white?
# 439 Jurica Grosinger on 2007-11-05 23:04:16
T-Scum strikes one more time! Let's strike back and show them (and other corporations that could start with similar nonsense for that matter) freedoms democratic worlds do or should enjoy and also quiet them down for good.
# 438 Jurica Grosinger on 2007-11-05 23:04:03
T-Scum strikes one more time! Let's strike back and show them (and other corporations that could start with similar nonsense for that matter) freedoms democratic worlds do or should enjoy and also quiet them down for good.
# 437 Boyce on 2007-11-05 23:03:19
CYK is the new RGB
# 436 trouspinette on 2007-11-05 22:33:51
Crazy guys !!! Shoot Em Up, just give a call God to ask him for a patent with RGB :(
# 435 kat on 2007-11-05 21:52:47
As a T-mobile subscriber of about 7 years now - I am APPALLED!!! This is ridiculous. One can't claim a color!!!
# 434 Kim on 2007-11-05 21:43:25
… what the hell? Try to stop me using a color, you muppets.
# 433 Stephen Read on 2007-11-05 21:21:29
It is foolish for one to think they can claim a colour for their own. If one trademarks the colour 'blue,' does that mean that who and whatever contains the colour blue can be sued including sea, sky and crayons? Of course not! Just so no one can really claim 'magenta' as their own. This is a case of property of ownership turning to selfishness and greed.
# 432 Steve on 2007-11-05 21:11:50
if i make a patent on farting...nonone can fart anymore without getting sued by me!?? THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS T MOBILE !!!!! JUST GO TO HELL !!! oh and as you are so stupid and you are bringing the iphone to germany...why not a MAGENTA one !!!! ^^
# 431 JinJan on 2007-11-05 20:57:48
Devolvednos el magenDa hijos de puDa!!!!!
# 430 Thijs on 2007-11-05 20:35:21
# 429 Aleksandra on 2007-11-05 20:33:17
this is ridiculous..what would happen if everybody trademarks a color. Will they gray the sky if they TM the blue??
# 428 scooter on 2007-11-05 20:21:39
this is madness! magenta for all!
# 427 Jeroen Holthuis on 2007-11-05 19:54:38 // this contribution is flagged
Hi T-Mobile hater, I am one of the guys involved in this action, and I want to assure you that this is NOT a viral marketing campaign to promote T-Mobile. That would be the complete opposite of what we are trying to achieve here! We are designers, and we try to come up for OUR's and EVERYONE's right for the freedom of expression. Freedom of design, and the freedom in general is being taken away by big corporate companies. We want to fire-up the discussion about this subject. Cheers
# 426 Isak Ström on 2007-11-05 19:24:02 // this contribution is flagged
I was inspired to make a few brutal edits to my weblog's stylesheet. Free Magenta!
# 425 Veronica on 2007-11-05 19:16:37
magenta for all!!!
# 424 Vood on 2007-11-05 19:04:16
Freedom for magenta!
# 423 Vood on 2007-11-05 19:04:07
Freedom for magenta!
# 422 carla padilla on 2007-11-05 19:02:20
If I hadn't read everything.. I would think it was a joke.. a very bad one! common sense! you can't avoid people from using a color!
# 421 Micas on 2007-11-05 18:56:59
Mangenta is for everybody!! Dont be selfish!
# 420 Jim Jones on 2007-11-05 18:51:05
bad tmobile, u suck! trademark dis: 8==D~
# 419 Jim Jones on 2007-11-05 18:50:49
bad tmobile, u suck! trademark dis: 8==D~
# 418 Benjamin Vigier on 2007-11-05 18:50:41
please T-Mobile don"t be silly
# 417 Mark Rotteveel on 2007-11-05 18:15:14
No company should have the power to claim the monopoly on a colour.
# 416 SimpleScott on 2007-11-05 18:14:12
I'm dropping T-Mobile as my service provider and going to the other giant, AT&T because they are not color Nazi's
# 415 Jesus on 2007-11-05 18:10:05
Please stop the madness
# 414 Ciaran Gallagher on 2007-11-05 17:57:58
There's definitely more important things to worry about than some shitty colour, but you're still not getting it!
# 413 Alex Schoenfeldt on 2007-11-05 17:42:28
Sorry T mobile, I own the letter T, so you have to change your name.
# 412 ace on 2007-11-05 17:34:58
This is ridiculous!
# 411 Travis Morrow on 2007-11-05 17:34:23 // this contribution is flagged
You can't own a color. Sorry. No. Nice try. Points for creative attempts at stealing something but you can't own a color. That's like owning a word. Doesn't happen.
# 410 Makanaki on 2007-11-05 17:34:16
Man, this is definitely the most stupid patent I've ever heard...
# 409 wieneke on 2007-11-05 17:27:09
Is this a joke???!!!!
# 408 Sally Peters on 2007-11-05 17:24:08
This is disgusting. They should not be allowed to do this.
# 407 Âàñÿ on 2007-11-05 17:23:59
Öóêè, ðóêè ïðî÷ü îò ìàäæåíòû!
# 406 Joshua on 2007-11-05 17:22:50
Please stop being lame and trying to copyright colors that have been around far longer than you have. If you can copyright magenta, I've got dibs on cyan!
# 405 Robb Smigielski on 2007-11-05 17:17:58
Simply, you cannot own a color. Go to hell.
# 404 Joshua on 2007-11-05 17:17:43
Please stop being lame and trying to copyright colors that have been around far longer than you have. If you can copyright magenta, I've got dibs on cyan!
# 403 Albert T. Magenta on 2007-11-05 17:09:30
Stop using my name describing an ugly colour!
# 402 XBob on 2007-11-05 16:50:37
Is asshat som kind of middle-european insult that i dont understand?
# 401 XBob on 2007-11-05 16:46:51
Is asshat som kind of middle-european insult that i dont understand?
# 400 Cal on 2007-11-05 16:31:27 // this contribution is flagged
My T-Mobile SIM card is going in the bin. This company is going down the toilet - they used to be great, now they rip me off and act like asshats.
# 399 gb on 2007-11-05 16:27:01
there aren't enough colors for companies to start thinking they own them...
# 398 Blanka on 2007-11-05 16:24:00
And ban the annoying beep-tune as well. Irritating radiocommercials of the magenta army!
# 397 miskolino on 2007-11-05 16:22:00
OMG!!! Who approved this? I mean, can I register AIR and forbid everybody to breeth? I dont think so...
# 396 Dan Jones on 2007-11-05 16:16:49
Copyright on colours? just stupid! shouldn't be allowed.
# 395 diego on 2007-11-05 16:10:03
all the cellphone companies go to hell! free magenta!
# 394 your face on 2007-11-05 16:10:01
this will never happen...t-mobile DOES lick balls...people named justin kick ass.
# 393 adam majors on 2007-11-05 16:05:38
# 392 CARTMAN on 2007-11-05 16:01:27
# 391 GOD on 2007-11-05 15:55:57
hello, i am god, i own the colour magenta, your face, many bananas, this website, your thoughts, someone elses thoughts, porn, lots of other stuff. I'd just like to say T mobile are ball lickers
# 390 T-MOBILE-HATER on 2007-11-05 15:53:55
Is this a clever marketing scheme by t-mobile or what? Viral advertisment is massive and we are all being duped by it right now, this post has been everywhere, they are getting mass free advertisement. Oh my god we must stop talking about this shit company, you dont see orange going around battering everyone who uses their colour because it would make them look shit (and they are even named after the damn thing) T-mobile are the biggest bunch of ball lickers in the whole world, with enticements such as top up friday i'm not suprized at this lame ploy. who wants to top up £10 to get the weekend free to text your mates? just call them and it will cost like 50p, or better yet just go see them. Anyway back onto the subject, NO ONE BE FOOLED BY THEIR STUPID PLAN.....
# 389 T-MOBILE-HATER on 2007-11-05 15:53:45
Is this a clever marketing scheme by t-mobile or what? Viral advertisment is massive and we are all being duped by it right now, this post has been everywhere, they are getting mass free advertisement. Oh my god we must stop talking about this shit company, you dont see orange going around battering everyone who uses their colour because it would make them look shit (and they are even named after the damn thing) T-mobile are the biggest bunch of ball lickers in the whole world, with enticements such as top up friday i'm not suprized at this lame ploy. who wants to top up £10 to get the weekend free to text your mates? just call them and it will cost like 50p, or better yet just go see them. Anyway back onto the subject, NO ONE BE FOOLED BY THEIR STUPID PLAN.....
# 388 T-MOBILE-HATER on 2007-11-05 15:53:00
Is this a clever marketing scheme by t-mobile or what? Viral advertisment is massive and we are all being duped by it right now, this post has been everywhere, they are getting mass free advertisement. Oh my god we must stop talking about this shit company, you dont see orange going around battering everyone who uses their colour because it would make them look shit (and they are even named after the damn thing) T-mobile are the biggest bunch of ball lickers in the whole world, with enticements such as top up friday i'm not suprized at this lame ploy. who wants to top up £10 to get the weekend free to text your mates? just call them and it will cost like 50p, or better yet just go see them. Anyway back onto the subject, NO ONE BE FOOLED BY THEIR STUPID PLAN.....
# 387 ah ah ah on 2007-11-05 15:49:35
free magenta
# 386 Alfre on 2007-11-05 15:42:48 // this contribution is flagged
All of a sudden, my most popular photos on flickr turned magenta!!! So i decided to create a flickr group:
# 385 lestlie b. on 2007-11-05 15:40:36
way to lose business through idiocy, tmobile.
# 384 dimitris on 2007-11-05 15:36:59
first was magenta, then telecom
# 383 Luis B. on 2007-11-05 15:30:11
damn so now are u telling me that i cant use whatever color i want when advertising... F that
# 382 Andrew R on 2007-11-05 15:24:04
This is BS t-moble - you just lost my business
# 381 Mark on 2007-11-05 15:22:23
# 380 Ferry on 2007-11-05 15:22:11
# 379 Mark on 2007-11-05 15:21:25
# 378 Chris H. on 2007-11-05 15:21:05
If they can own magenta, I want black and purple. This is ridiculous.
# 377 James T on 2007-11-05 15:17:09
"The person who allowed this to happen must be 5 different kinds of idiot. " ... I second this.
# 376 seth r on 2007-11-05 15:15:41
how can you own something like a color? ridiculous. i
# 375 Ron F on 2007-11-05 15:14:26
Fuck T-Mobile! Magenta is ours! We will never surrender!
# 374 I O'Keeffe on 2007-11-05 15:14:19
No taking our colours.
# 373 Jeff S on 2007-11-05 14:51:29
How can anyone possibly take a colour from the world? How can a law system support it?
# 372 Richard C on 2007-11-05 14:48:47
Trademarking gone too far. I refuse to recognize T-Mobile's claim.
# 371 bjorn on 2007-11-05 14:43:11
Dus dit is het einde van kleurenwaaiers? Pantone kan nu per opbod kleuren aan bedrijven gaan verkopen. ;-)
# 370 Jason on 2007-11-05 14:42:48
Magenta, consider yourself reclaimed!
# 369 Kevin Rommen on 2007-11-05 14:37:43
Free Magenta!! This is just as ridicoulus as claiming parts of the constitution!
# 368 retsof on 2007-11-05 14:37:23 // this contribution is flagged
T-Mobile owns the color magenta, they say. Why don't we keep the BILE since we all have livers? Even their lawyers are suspect, although they may not have hearts. MO is the US Postal Service abbreviation for Missouri. so they own that. That leaves T-. Mrs. Dash owns dash or - and Sesame Street has rights to the letter T for their alphabet songs. That doesn't leave much.
# 367 retsof on 2007-11-05 14:36:53
speak your mind
# 366 Internet on 2007-11-05 14:36:36
T-Mobile, hey. Cut that out.
# 365 nameless on 2007-11-05 14:33:55
fukc off
# 364 helen on 2007-11-05 14:24:22
Freedom for magenta!
# 363 Tom on 2007-11-05 14:22:33
Quick everyone, if we trademark all the other colours, they won't be able to us the 'T-Mobile' typeface in anything other than Magenta! Dicks.
# 362 Drednaught on 2007-11-05 14:18:52
Damn those swarthy bastards! How I love thee, magenta, let me count the ways.... 1. You are a color 2. ...
# 361 neeb on 2007-11-05 14:16:44
viva los vodafone!
# 360 name on 2007-11-05 14:01:50
those sons of bitches !
# 359 Hmmm on 2007-11-05 14:01:38
First they continue to use those annoying little beeps and now they want our magenta stand back
# 358 Hmmm on 2007-11-05 13:59:58
First they continue to use those annoying little beeps and now they want our magenta stand back
# 357 pex on 2007-11-05 13:57:13
# 356 Wolfcastle on 2007-11-05 13:52:53 // this contribution is flagged
Trademark Magenta? The ACTUAL COLOUR? Its way too general a subject to be trademarked. The person who allowed this to happen must be 5 different kinds of idiot. To get around this you could just say its 'pink' instead of magenta ;)
# 355 fmagenta on 2007-11-05 13:52:07
t-mobile is gay!
# 354 noki Powlonski on 2007-11-05 13:28:45
Magentaaaaaa !
# 353 Gerdien Stevense on 2007-11-05 13:23:37
Great initiative! Claiming a low can you go!
# 352 justin on 2007-11-05 13:19:20
free speech is being lost now its our colours!! what next letters?
# 351 rgawenda on 2007-11-05 13:06:07
I've just registered the letter M, now hiring legal experts
# 350 rgawenda on 2007-11-05 13:06:07
I've just registered the letter M, now hiring legal experts
# 349 MagentaMan on 2007-11-05 13:03:03
Trademarking colors?!? What's wrong with these idiots? This is beyond stupid. This is madness.
# 348 Grant on 2007-11-05 13:00:01 // this contribution is flagged
There're a few grey areas here. Colours should be free. End of issue. They shouldn't be allowed to be trademarked in the first instance.
# 347 Mongénéral on 2007-11-05 12:59:32
Touche pas à mon Magenta!
# 346 joe on 2007-11-05 12:51:21
you can't own a color.
# 345 Zaed on 2007-11-05 12:46:04
This is Ridiculous
# 344 gogena on 2007-11-05 12:39:06
Magenta for everyone!
# 343 Rob on 2007-11-05 12:35:19
I invented magenta in 1847. it is mine i tell you
# 342 Dav (Forma/formlos) on 2007-11-05 12:35:15
Magenta, the color of those that cant decide over which color to choose. Magenta, the hidden, secret princess of CMYK.
# 341 Robbie @ twentysix London on 2007-11-05 12:16:30 same colour. Are they in trouble? trade marking colour? what a load of bull crap!
# 340 TOOL on 2007-11-05 12:14:39
Free the Magenta NOW!
# 339 konrads on 2007-11-05 12:11:56
I have patented process of breathing! It's absurd!
# 338 Stephen Caton on 2007-11-05 12:10:52
C-YK. It's crazy! T-Mobile are being absurd!
# 337 on 2007-11-05 12:09:10
# 336 Davide on 2007-11-05 11:59:23
It's absurd.
# 335 Javier Marca on 2007-11-05 11:59:11
Free Colors!!! Free mobile companies!!!
# 334 David on 2007-11-05 11:56:32
Ridiculous - clearly magenta belongs to IBM
# 333 Matvey on 2007-11-05 11:56:00
fight stupidity
# 332 Toby on 2007-11-05 11:54:33
I like T-Mobile (for some reason), but I also like my color. Free my color. Free Magenta! On that note I would like to register a trademark on the letter T because I clearly use it in my name and it is mine now.
# 331 Tarquin on 2007-11-05 11:41:10
Do they now own the former channel 4 presenter Magenta Devine? This is slavery and must be opposed.. FREE MAGENTA DEVINE NOW !!
# 330 Warren on 2007-11-05 11:35:19
Free the Magenta!!!!
# 329 NANDILLO on 2007-11-05 11:33:18
Go down, Moses, Way down in Egypt’s land; Tell old Pharaoh To let Magenta go!
# 328 Pierre on 2007-11-05 11:32:17
Don't take my magenta
# 327 Jack on 2007-11-05 11:31:31
While we're on this, can we reclaim commonsense back too?
# 326 name on 2007-11-05 11:21:12
# 325 Vanessah Howard on 2007-11-05 11:20:08
Magenta should be free for anyone to use! D:
# 324 Mario on 2007-11-05 11:15:29
free magenta!
# 323 LISA PASCAL on 2007-11-05 11:15:17
speak your mind
# 322 Lieven Catteeuw on 2007-11-05 11:11:37
OWNOES i use magenta for my wedding card
# 321 James on 2007-11-05 10:57:51
CYMK mean anything to anybody???!! What will printers do?
# 320 Richard John on 2007-11-05 10:57:17
I've just added a magenta version to an ad for an ISP I was making. Sosumi!
# 319 Joe Murtagh on 2007-11-05 10:48:12
# 318 Andy van de Sande on 2007-11-05 10:47:40
I <3 0 100 0 0 !
# 317 NOdesigner on 2007-11-05 10:35:55
not designers call it pink, so FREE PINK
# 316 Alexandra Pace on 2007-11-05 10:35:24
ma ma ma ma maaaa magenta
# 315 auricom on 2007-11-05 10:34:34
too funny to be true :o t-mobile sucks!
# 314 Bernd on 2007-11-05 10:33:35
T-Mobile is gay!
# 313 Ali on 2007-11-05 10:20:58
Magenta ist like the elements for usdesigners. So who is calling "fire" for its own?
# 312 Chris Meier on 2007-11-05 10:08:23
speak your mind
# 311 David Benque on 2007-11-05 10:03:43
Magenta is the new BLACK !! leave it be
# 310 Mr. T on 2007-11-05 09:54:15
You are only part of it - magenTa
# 309 Henri Weijo on 2007-11-05 09:50:39 // this contribution is flagged
I'm all for this, but remember that they're not the first (and last) company to copyright a color: Ferrari, Pepsi, Coke have all done it.
# 308 Magenta™ on 2007-11-05 09:49:13 // this contribution is flagged
Piss of T-Mobile, I already own the rights to Magenta™
# 307 Tom Wheel on 2007-11-05 09:47:52
Own a colour? You bloody wig-wams.
# 306 Aki on 2007-11-05 09:44:42
I think the Sun was the first to exploit magenta in its famous "sunrise" series!
# 305 Aki on 2007-11-05 09:44:38
I think the Sun was the first to exploit magenta in its famous "sunrise" series!
# 304 Aki on 2007-11-05 09:43:47
I think the Sun was the first to exploit magenta in its famous "sunrise" series!
# 303 ams on 2007-11-05 09:40:03
magenta belongs to all of us.
# 302 Alex on 2007-11-05 09:21:55
Magenta rules the world and no telecom company can own it. MAGENTA POWER!
# 301 Josi on 2007-11-05 09:21:00
yeah ok. And snow has to pick another colour from now on..
# 300 brayrie on 2007-11-05 09:15:07
Shame on Thief-mobile! Share & prosper!
# 299 Dominik on 2007-11-05 09:11:03
Magenta can't be a brand. This is madness
# 298 Alex on 2007-11-05 08:57:46
frickin idiots will be stealing air next.
# 297 name on 2007-11-05 08:47:14
speak your mind
# 296 mik on 2007-11-05 08:27:01
Save the world, save the cheerlea... uhm...uuuhm...Magenta!
# 295 rebecca graham on 2007-11-05 08:26:03
leave the colors alone.
# 294 andre de waal on 2007-11-05 08:19:40
aaaaaaaahh!! leave my magenta in peace
# 293 Pavel on 2007-11-05 08:10:14
They really freak me out, let's claim T letter and don't allow them to use that.
# 292 susan on 2007-11-05 05:58:59
# 291 brian on 2007-11-05 04:32:15 // this contribution is flagged
it doesn't get more childish than saying that's my favorite color so you can't like it too
# 290 Ian on 2007-11-05 04:11:42 // this contribution is flagged
This is probably the most idiotic thing I have every heard of. If they want a magenta, get one specially made via Pantone.
# 289 Sap on 2007-11-05 03:37:30
Magenta was born free - magenta should die free!!!
# 288 jonathan on 2007-11-05 03:34:54
this is stupid. i got dibbs on cyan.
# 287 Rodrigo Peñalba on 2007-11-05 03:22:44
i'm the editor for, and we use magente in our logo and corporate image... so, what's next? banning #RGB combinations?
# 286 M411 on 2007-11-05 03:07:20
# 285 Aaron Moodie on 2007-11-05 02:32:39
THE most stupid, ignorant , and utterly selfish thing I have ever heard. Who the hell ever came up with such a f#%ked up idea?
# 284 Rhetorikolas on 2007-11-05 02:27:48
silly peoples they should claim a title to idiocracy
# 283 b1gg1e on 2007-11-05 02:18:45
gready t-mobile bastards!FREE MAGENTA
# 282 Herman M. on 2007-11-05 02:09:44
T-Mobile is claiming the color magenta ... ??? That's the biggest JOKE ever: claiming a color for commercial use. T-Mobile ... NARROWMINDED PEOPLE
# 281 Rambo on 2007-11-05 01:16:24
Kill T-Moblie, Kill the color Magenta, kill this website
# 280 j.maryon on 2007-11-05 01:08:49
magenta....your time
# 279 S. Pricksticova on 2007-11-05 00:54:30
My entire house is painted Magenta...So sue me MF's!
# 278 ~ on 2007-11-05 00:50:36
This is stupid
# 277 der chef on 2007-11-05 00:35:29
magenta sucks. t-mobile can keep this shit.
# 276 Daniela S.A. Hernández on 2007-11-05 00:22:56
Magenta's for all!
# 275 Kirsten Blair on 2007-11-05 00:00:26 // this contribution is flagged
It's hard to imagine how one can legally claim ownership to a mixture of reflected light...
# 274 minerva on 2007-11-04 23:52:28
i like magenta, i don´t like t-mobile
# 273 miguel on 2007-11-04 23:51:27
t-mobile is black
# 272 ROZANA on 2007-11-04 23:03:18
So, hier mal als Deutsche! Telekom kann nicht einfach eine komplette Farbe aus dem Programm nehmen!!! Wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn alle plötzlich ihre Farben nur noch für sich beanspruchen würden?!
# 271 ingrid leone on 2007-11-04 23:01:55
correction -the colors are universal and part of the nature, we all are nature, nobody own us!-
# 270 Elke on 2007-11-04 23:00:14
Free all colours, FREE MAGENTA!
# 269 ingrid leone on 2007-11-04 22:58:51
the colors universal and part of the nature, we all are nature, nobody own us!
# 268 andrew birch on 2007-11-04 22:54:29
Absolute lunacy
# 267 ROZANA on 2007-11-04 22:50:58
So, hier mal als Deutsche! Telekom kann nicht einfach eine komplette Farbe aus dem Programm nehmen!!! Wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn alle plötzlich ihre Farben nur noch für sich beanspruchen würden?!
# 266 molov on 2007-11-04 22:48:02
# 265 Gaston on 2007-11-04 22:26:44
They want to own a color but don't even own a quality network.
# 264 delacruz on 2007-11-04 22:26:02
Liberate Magenta, or the people will do it. (Magenta Liberation Front)
# 263 tabo on 2007-11-04 22:17:21
magenters, please unite!!
# 262 nate on 2007-11-04 22:11:16
everyone should start using magenta on purpose
# 261 Ivan Sergeev on 2007-11-04 22:09:10
Free magenta!
# 260 andre felipe on 2007-11-04 22:07:00
steal money, not color
# 259 Derxter on 2007-11-04 22:06:31
Oh yeah...did i already tell you that t-mobile is full of crap just like all the other big corporations that misuse their power against the people? nuff said
# 258 Derxter on 2007-11-04 22:03:20
T-mobile will get their ass kicked i tell you...cause they are totally outnumbered...power to the people, magenta to the people!
# 257 Derxter on 2007-11-04 22:02:36
T-mobile will get their ass kicked i tell you...cause they are totally outnumbered...power to the people, magenta to the people!
# 256 T MOBILE FUCKER on 2007-11-04 21:57:58
# 255 Titta on 2007-11-04 21:57:35
Absolutely ridicilous... Almost feels like a bad advertisement stunt...!!!!!!!!
# 254 jorge olino on 2007-11-04 21:51:18
Keep this way and I'll claim the rights for oxygen.
# 253 Roelant on 2007-11-04 21:24:42
blaaa tmobile! after a sucky customer service now this!!. boeee
# 252 stephanie on 2007-11-04 21:15:18
1200!!! magenta is the most beautiful color in the whole world and it doesn't belong to a corporate company, it belongs to the public! good that your're taking action man! puss
# 251 Dr Yang on 2007-11-04 21:12:34
T-Mobile has the worst service i ever run across
# 250 Hurricane on 2007-11-04 21:00:17
F*ck T-Mobile!
# 249 Sander H. on 2007-11-04 20:58:07
First Orange, now Magenta... What kind of ****** think they can claim a colour?
# 248 Steinmeyer on 2007-11-04 20:37:30
Gib uns magenta
# 247 Letícia on 2007-11-04 20:29:15
Será que um dia vão patentear a escala Pantone?!
# 246 jim on 2007-11-04 20:28:54
magenta for everyone
# 245 rop on 2007-11-04 19:54:02
i'm actually from germany and we all hate t-mobile. the whole german telecom uses it: t-com, t-mobile, t-home & t-online. i often don't use magenta just because it looks like that fucking t-hings. crackbrained!
# 244 David on 2007-11-04 19:46:26
Using colors for you branding is one thing, sueing others for using the same color is another...
# 243 Dmitry on 2007-11-04 19:37:53
I think T-mobile already on the way to lost few clients. Good lack. P.S. Stop corporation expanse!
# 242 Visons on 2007-11-04 19:33:13
REVOLUTION! Fuck Corporations! We work to give them more power againt us.
# 241 bembel on 2007-11-04 19:29:59
und? hab ihr web 2.0 opfer nix anderes zu tun??? kickt die vorratsdatenspeicherung und die ganzen kameras ma lieber ihr bratzen
# 240 Twan Verstegen on 2007-11-04 19:17:28
# 239 chris Huston on 2007-11-04 19:15:13
this is insane really - surely no judge in any country is going to let this pass!
# 238 js on 2007-11-04 19:06:11
scheiss Krauts
# 237 name on 2007-11-04 19:02:25
Make this site in magenta!
# 236 Alex on 2007-11-04 18:57:46
Don't let color claiming start! This will only be the beginning!
# 235 Alex on 2007-11-04 18:57:33
Don't let color claiming start! This will only be the beginning!
# 234 rikc rikc on 2007-11-04 18:56:46
could she?
# 233 Tim on 2007-11-04 18:44:02
wtf TMobile!?!? how ridiculous!
# 232 dale on 2007-11-04 18:40:45
you cannot claim light! the spectrum is ours.
# 231 Andrey on 2007-11-04 18:12:37
what's next, who's gonna patent water and air?
# 230 Àíäðåé on 2007-11-04 18:05:44
# 229 Rjcnbr on 2007-11-04 17:45:24
# 228 Ìèòÿ on 2007-11-04 17:25:36
# 227 Nickita on 2007-11-04 17:11:00
Ha-ha. I thoughtm that all idiots live in Russia. But this is lie ))
# 226 Robert on 2007-11-04 16:55:59
I can't believe this..T-mobile Pff
# 225 adam on 2007-11-04 16:55:02
colors doesn't exist, it's human eye and brain that makes connection and call it magenta.
# 224 olivier de Locht on 2007-11-04 16:51:28
# 223 Mark Mui on 2007-11-04 16:23:03
How to stop them: everyone use magenta. They dont have enuff $$ to sue all of us, muhahahah.
# 222 balandin on 2007-11-04 16:20:59
stupidity. . .
# 221 Cody Petruk on 2007-11-04 16:07:15
T-Mobile = full on asshats
# 220 March Castle on 2007-11-04 16:01:42
Good luck getting a Judge to agree with you - this wouldn't even reach court.
# 219 mlokas on 2007-11-04 16:00:41 // this contribution is flagged
So what comes next, after claiming the 500–530 nm wavelength? Claiming O2?
# 218 ztek on 2007-11-04 15:57:34
colors are NOT copyrightable and should never be.
# 217 max117 on 2007-11-04 15:47:02
fuck T-Mobile
# 216 Grotesnor on 2007-11-04 15:25:04
Magentas of all nations, unite!
# 215 Denys on 2007-11-04 15:01:24
# 214 Beaufays Ewoud on 2007-11-04 14:59:58
this has to be a joke...if not, T-mobile has realy smoked too much pot
# 213 Dan Andersen on 2007-11-04 14:55:26
who want's to swap pms 360c for something in pink?
# 212 beaujolaise on 2007-11-04 14:45:13
magenta can't be a brand
# 211 Rothring on 2007-11-04 14:43:22
color have no rules
# 210 Gustavo Guimarães Forster on 2007-11-04 14:43:08
You gotta be insane, T Mobile. I am honestly trying to think this is a joke.
# 209 IGBOY on 2007-11-04 14:22:59
Magenta for life!
# 208 David Cumps on 2007-11-04 14:16:46
Silly.... I claim hex numbers from now on!
# 207 ashley on 2007-11-04 14:06:57
# 206 Albin Holmqvist on 2007-11-04 14:00:26
Completely bonkers is an understatement! i think they have smoked too much wacky tobaccy! MAGENTA FOR THE PEOPLE!
# 205 VicSage on 2007-11-04 13:53:47
My web will be magenta!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!
# 204 Iván Ardura on 2007-11-04 13:49:48
Stop this please!!
# 203 verena on 2007-11-04 13:36:12
STOP bying products of these mad company!!!
# 202 dudex on 2007-11-04 13:23:33
Fcuk corporations.
# 201 dudex on 2007-11-04 13:23:23
Fcuk corporations.
# 200 Justin Amphlett on 2007-11-04 13:03:04
Its like Monster cables trying to gain ownership of the word 'Monster' all over again
# 199 Sirko on 2007-11-04 12:57:15
This is madness
# 198 Angelo on 2007-11-04 12:53:33
Is this the new battle of Magenta? (
# 197 christoffer jarn on 2007-11-04 12:40:41
Pure stupidity
# 196 Oleg Estrin on 2007-11-04 12:38:16
This is rediculous! its like claiming that someone owns air! absolute rubbish!
# 195 dp9ihb on 2007-11-04 12:37:14
Turkish: Fuck me, hold tight. What's that? Tommy: It's me belt, Turkish. Turkish: No, Tommy. There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers? Tommy: It's for protection. Turkish: Protection from what? "Zee Germans"?
# 194 Alan Young on 2007-11-04 12:29:33
You've got to be kidding… it's like stealing one's family jewels… i mean… come on… they cannot be owned by anyone… they're part of me
# 193 Ze Germans on 2007-11-04 12:10:08
Ze Germans are taking over europe again!
# 192 jj on 2007-11-04 12:06:23
Oh diar, I can`t use my baby carriage! It`s Magenta! Am I criminal? ))))
# 191 Pavel on 2007-11-04 12:02:48
Holy shit. It is clearly corrupted and headless burocrazy.
# 190 elBrandes on 2007-11-04 11:59:18
what is your favourite color?
# 189 Dmitry on 2007-11-04 11:59:15
WTF? Stop stealing colors!
# 188 Nick D on 2007-11-04 11:57:47
(I wonder if Orange will try and stop people using Orange next?)
# 187 Nick D on 2007-11-04 11:57:01
Im transferring to Orange this week - bye bye T-Mobile.
# 186 Luke Morton on 2007-11-04 11:52:29 // this contribution is flagged
You have got to be kidding. T-Mobile is doing this because to protect a trademark, you also have to prevent something coming into widespread usage. T-Mobile, magneta was in widespread usage before you came around!
# 185 dEN-44X on 2007-11-04 11:52:17
T-mobile is unkind, unruly and uncolored company,and want to devour our colors! Stop them! ))
# 184 dev on 2007-11-04 11:43:06
colors r no ones property, they define nature's beauty
# 183 Juuni Elisabeth on 2007-11-04 11:25:13
this is truly ridiculous!
# 182 jaime martinez on 2007-11-04 11:18:26
# 181 NickName from on 2007-11-04 10:58:22
BC needs magenta!
# 180 liviu mar on 2007-11-04 10:43:27
this is one o the most stupid and absurd things i've ever heard. T-Mobile, you're dead to me.
# 179 liviu mar on 2007-11-04 10:38:42
this is one o the most stupid and absurd things i've ever heard. T-Mobile, you're dead to me.
# 178 Julian on 2007-11-04 10:32:18
T-Mobile give me my T back, it's mine !
# 177 kookai777 on 2007-11-04 10:27:50
make the world - B/W
# 176 sho kosughi on 2007-11-04 10:19:24
free magenta
# 175 nom on 2007-11-04 09:58:10
Why do we fall Mr. Bruce?
# 174 ksen on 2007-11-04 09:55:21
magenta in every house!
# 173 iconpainter on 2007-11-04 09:17:19
# 172 Samuel on 2007-11-04 07:19:42
# 171 martin.u on 2007-11-04 07:09:02
this is ridiculous, people should stop using their services
# 170 Genya on 2007-11-04 07:01:17
outrageous. All colours should be free
# 169 SeanE on 2007-11-04 06:38:23
it's CMYK not CYK!!
# 168 Radio on 2007-11-04 06:24:38
cao ji bai!
# 167 Andrei Kulik on 2007-11-04 05:59:04
Fuck T-Mobile.
# 166 Brandon Nygard on 2007-11-04 05:28:27
this is rediculous color is as free as it is acessable its like sueing a cartoonist for using a pencil
# 165 frank on 2007-11-04 05:21:47
t-mobile can slob my knob! magenta belongs to the masses how do you expect to be respected you fucking morons
# 164 Lexter from on 2007-11-04 04:46:50
Ukraine need magenta too!
# 163 Magenta on 2007-11-04 03:45:29 // this contribution is flagged
Yeah go TMOBILE!!! ... also, why sto there .. CocaCola can take Red, McDonalds can take Yellow, Blue goes to Ford ... etc ... yeah !!! in pre-school they will teach - that the sky is Ford, and th sun is McDolands
# 162 b harbour on 2007-11-03 23:44:38
tmobile is stupid. its part of cmyk
# 161 G Kremer on 2007-11-03 23:35:32
I switch!
# 160 mandipants on 2007-11-03 23:17:46 // this contribution is flagged
for the entire month of november, i shall only use magenta objects, eat magenta food, wear magenta clothing, and design in only magenta. & i will not call anyone with a t-mobile phone. this bs shall end here.
# 159 jule demel on 2007-11-03 23:14:09
change your phone company!
# 158 Form on 2007-11-03 22:51:02
T-mobile is shit....
# 157 Taylor Martens on 2007-11-03 22:45:27
I have a copyright of a logo with magenta in it. Does that mean I can sue as well. Idiots
# 156 Floortje on 2007-11-03 22:17:59
Free magenta!!
# 155 Bridget on 2007-11-03 22:10:24
# 154 Caleb on 2007-11-03 22:06:34
T-Mobile sucks.
# 153 Alex Suraci on 2007-11-03 21:50:36
# 152 Yowan on 2007-11-03 21:46:13
haha if they can sue someone for that, I can def sue someone for breathing the same air as me! ... they're kind of funny after all
# 151 e.t on 2007-11-03 21:38:25
This is sparta
# 150 ElGoshi on 2007-11-03 21:32:37
Magenta for the masses!
# 149 Bulldog on 2007-11-03 21:28:03
So much magenta here!
# 148 James W on 2007-11-03 21:22:09
T-Mobile rents networks from Cingular which is AT&T.
# 147 celeste on 2007-11-03 21:17:51
this is madness
# 146 Joe M on 2007-11-03 21:11:02
I'm switching to AT&T. Fuck T-Mobile.
# 145 Brigitte Brehm on 2007-11-03 21:09:51
What Telekom?
# 144 MUXAXO on 2007-11-03 21:09:28
hijos de puTa magenta for everyone!!!!!
# 143 Vincen Barnhard on 2007-11-03 21:05:21
This is insane, and I never will use your 'services' ever again
# 142 Vincen Barnhard on 2007-11-03 21:04:20
T-mobile, I will never forgive you f*cking bastards
# 141 Vincen Barnhard on 2007-11-03 21:02:59
T-mobile, I will never forgive you f*cking bastards
# 140 John Moses on 2007-11-03 21:02:07
Megenta is yummy but hard to spell.
# 139 grVuf on 2007-11-03 21:01:04
It's mine, mine o' mine!
# 138 Eb on 2007-11-03 20:53:00
# 137 Eb on 2007-11-03 20:51:38
# 136 Andrew Scrase on 2007-11-03 20:44:49 // this contribution is flagged
If you wanted to get all touchy with a colour, then you should have picked one that wasn't in the default colour swatch. Grow up, the companies you have sued aren't even competing in the mobile phone market.
# 135 Emil on 2007-11-03 20:44:20
T-Mobile can put a sock in it!
# 134 Jeff Howell on 2007-11-03 20:41:55
I guess I call Cyan. That leaves only Y and K, good luck suckers.
# 133 Andre on 2007-11-03 20:35:33
Magenta shmenta!
# 132 chaba on 2007-11-03 20:35:23
wtf?! IDIOTS! Magenta is FREE.
# 131 SooS on 2007-11-03 20:34:32
i thought i owned magenta!
# 130 Walter Crompton on 2007-11-03 20:33:04
If this is to happen then all great things will be coming to an end. As said Patroklus on the eve of his death - "All men come to death."
# 129 SooS on 2007-11-03 20:32:56
i thought i owned magenta!
# 128 Grapplica on 2007-11-03 20:29:10
Pee on T-Mobile, colors belong to people not companies.
# 127 Walter Crompton on 2007-11-03 20:27:15
If this is to happen then all great things will be coming to an end. As said Patroklus on the eve of his death - "All men come to death."
# 126 reus on 2007-11-03 20:25:31
Fuck them!
# 125 miahiii on 2007-11-03 20:24:12
free magenta
# 124 Jouak on 2007-11-03 20:23:50
#ff00ff = 500$ #000000 = 1000$ #c69ac6 = 200$
# 123 mihai on 2007-11-03 20:22:20
magenta back!!
# 122 razvan nicu on 2007-11-03 20:08:33
web designer
# 121 mark Stokbro Nielsen on 2007-11-03 20:01:59
Shame on you... good things are meant to be shared
# 120 yes! on 2007-11-03 20:00:13
# 119 Andres Cominetti on 2007-11-03 19:59:38 // this contribution is flagged
Copyrighting Colors is totallly insane.
# 118 mcdonalds on 2007-11-03 19:59:37
oh we so stupid. we dont owe it we own it. AND BLACK ALSO
# 117 mcdonalds on 2007-11-03 19:58:55
WE OWE RED AND YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!
# 116 on 2007-11-03 19:58:50
tomorow i should go and buy black color...
# 115 cjpa on 2007-11-03 19:58:43
The world is going bonkers.
# 114 mcdonalds on 2007-11-03 19:58:37
WE OWE RED AND YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!
# 113 dina on 2007-11-03 19:52:27
# 112 Bart on 2007-11-03 19:49:45
Free MAGENTA! Fuck the -T- - -!
# 111 Jochman on 2007-11-03 19:49:27
The bastards! I bought magenta back in 1975 and distributed it open source around the world. How can T-mobile buy it, you ask. Thy stole it from my safe one night...
# 110 Orlando on 2007-11-03 19:27:04
I hate T-Mobile, it's one of the if not worst cellphone companies around today!!!!!
# 109 EMILR on 2007-11-03 19:26:03
# 108 Dave on 2007-11-03 19:22:58
Fuk u Tmobile!
# 107 arif wijayadi on 2007-11-03 19:22:06
magenta just like air, it's free for everyone, GOD will curse them. reclaim magenta!!!!
# 106 Micah Rich on 2007-11-03 19:20:08
A company should not own a color.
# 105 name on 2007-11-03 19:20:02
I Love Magenta!!!!!
# 104 name on 2007-11-03 19:17:41
# 103 name on 2007-11-03 19:16:26
# 102 Mike Black on 2007-11-03 19:15:17
# 101 Mike Harrison on 2007-11-03 19:12:28
reclaim magenta
# 100 bandit on 2007-11-03 19:09:56
what if we give it a new name?
# 99 Leo on 2007-11-03 19:04:32
Stop! Magenta for everyone.
# 98 Pride Paranoia on 2007-11-03 18:59:53
They are digging their own hole... free magenta!
# 97 S. hackx on 2007-11-03 18:59:47
magenta for all
# 96 Toy Factory on 2007-11-03 18:55:56
From now on I will hold my breath, so my face will turn magenta!!!!
# 95 Mark Johnson on 2007-11-03 18:55:55
All your magenta are belong to us.
# 94 Brian on 2007-11-03 18:51:58 // this contribution is flagged
This is great! I registered the letter "T" last year and now have exclusive rights to use that letter. T-Mobile, get ready to pay up!!
# 93 Stephen on 2007-11-03 18:50:47
If I cnat use Magenta then I'll change to orange!!!
# 92 ers on 2007-11-03 18:49:20
unfuckinbeliavible !!
# 91 Stephen on 2007-11-03 18:49:14
If I cnat use Magenta then I'll change to orange!!!
# 90 william on 2007-11-03 18:44:38
things that are percieved differently cannot be copyrighted.what if i am colourblind. i could be comitting a crime that i didnt know of
# 89 william on 2007-11-03 18:44:28 // this contribution is flagged
things that are percieved differently cannot be copyrighted.what if i am colourblind. i could be comitting a crime that i didnt know of
# 88 Ben on 2007-11-03 18:42:23
I ought to have the right to use magenta when I please.
# 87 alex on 2007-11-03 18:31:33
lolletje, die duitsers ook...
# 86 Markus on 2007-11-03 18:20:25 // this contribution is flagged
I will stop using your sirvices, shame on you!
# 85 Pieter Willems on 2007-11-03 18:18:36
free magenta!
# 84 Nico V. on 2007-11-03 18:07:11
Ahahaha fuck T-Mobile
# 83 Jeroen Holthuis on 2007-11-03 18:03:24
The colorspectrum is a natural phenomenon that should be owned by every human being. Even every flora and fauna if you ask me. When T-Mobile is claiming the exclusive right for this color, what will be the next step? Some big corporate that is claiming the use of AIR that we breath? Color space is public space too!
# 82 Sascha Merz on 2007-11-03 17:59:54
We should sue them for the use of letters!
# 81 Toby Morey on 2007-11-03 17:54:55
You got to be kidding me
# 80 André Beato on 2007-11-03 17:52:26
this is a joke right?
# 79 Mike W on 2007-11-03 17:51:47
Stop this corporate BS. Ther's no way you can win this in court. Stop now, and save yourself the embarasment
# 78 Matt Collins on 2007-11-03 17:48:31
If it was blue would you sue the sky?!
# 77 nameale on 2007-11-03 17:48:19
That's ridiculous..
# 76 hodaka on 2007-11-03 17:37:17
I petit for magenta's sake.
# 75 hodaka on 2007-11-03 17:37:05
I petit for magenta's sake.
# 74 Curtis Elliott on 2007-11-03 17:36:15
# 73 Yassir on 2007-11-03 17:33:20
STIKGEK! opzouten met die dictatoriale rotzooi!
# 72 P45C4L on 2007-11-03 17:28:18
can they ask Orange to become "Yellow"___? lol REZIST!!!
# 71 Hampus Lideborg on 2007-11-03 17:27:56
# 70 P45C4L on 2007-11-03 17:27:34
can they ask Orange to become "Yellow"___? lol REZIST!!!
# 69 Greg Formager on 2007-11-03 17:25:48 // this contribution is flagged
If they can own Magenta then I'll claim all rights to holding a slice of pizza with your right hand while holding a drink in your left.
# 68 emma d on 2007-11-03 17:24:35
freakin' retards. magenta is OURS!!
# 67 Marc LaTulippe on 2007-11-03 17:24:24
# 66 Samuel Boucher on 2007-11-03 17:16:04
If they can get to own MAGENTA then I'll claim the word MAGENTA
# 65 alb on 2007-11-03 17:05:30
If they can get to own MAGENTA then I'll claim the letter "T".
# 64 Mark on 2007-11-03 16:57:08
hey there. well the americans think they own the world: esspecially everywhere where oil is. oh, they own the moon and the uniiverse and the poles as well :) i think telekom is doing no good in claiming the color but you have to recognise that even all eatable plants (patatoes, tomatoes etc) are OWNED by companies, animal spiecies, and even genes. its all registred. thats the fuckup world we live in. too sad.
# 63 malasse on 2007-11-03 16:52:30
T-Mobil, your image is not magenta anymore, but the color "dumb".
# 62 Jeroen Holthuis on 2007-11-03 16:47:10 // this contribution is flagged
The colorspectrum is a natural phenomenon that should be owned by every human being. Even every flora and fauna if you ask me. When T-Mobile is claiming the exclusive right for this color, what will be the next step? Some big corporate that is claiming the use of AIR that we breathe? Color space is public space too!
# 61 Mark on 2007-11-03 16:42:31
hey there. well the americans think they own the world: esspecially everywhere where oil is. oh, they own the moon and the uniiverse and the poles as well :) i think telekom is doing no good in claiming the color but you have to recognise that even all eatable plants (patatoes, tomatoes etc) are OWNED by companies, animal spiecies, and even genes. its all registred. thats the fuckup world we live in. too sad.
# 60 David Carvalho on 2007-11-03 16:41:44
# 59 Martin Petrov on 2007-11-03 16:37:04
how come one can own something like a colour? it's like like owning the sun and not letting others to use it...?
# 58 John Ross Ewing on 2007-11-03 16:10:01
# 57 Boris Schandert on 2007-11-03 16:05:48
It is shame to be german... Germany the land of laws&responsibilities! You should sued them for using white paper! so absurd
# 56 Boris Schandert on 2007-11-03 16:05:43
It is shame to be german... Germany the land of laws&responsibilities! You should sued them for using white paper! so absurd
# 55 Boris Schandert on 2007-11-03 16:05:22
It is shame to be german... Germany the land of laws&responsibilities! You should sued them for using white paper! so absurd
# 54 Aaron MacDonald on 2007-11-03 16:01:19
# 53 Maarten De Wever on 2007-11-03 15:58:07
# 52 Tony van Nierop on 2007-11-03 15:57:14
# 51 André Leitão on 2007-11-03 15:48:41
Next they will "aquire" black and will sue the world for having black sky at night? Idiots!
# 50 Michau on 2007-11-03 15:42:02
# 49 Tim L on 2007-11-03 15:34:52
Since my name starts with the letter "t", I could sue them t-pigs
# 48 Tim L on 2007-11-03 15:34:51
Since my name starts with the letter "t", I could sue them t-pigs
# 47 k.w.andersson on 2007-11-03 15:32:42
can you even patent a color? :s
# 46 René on 2007-11-03 15:29:49
Magenta rules!
# 45 Luís Ricardo on 2007-11-03 15:23:12 // this contribution is flagged
The color is a human cultural heritage. Leave magenta free!
# 44 Jörg on 2007-11-03 15:21:42
Magenta für alle!
# 43 Gili Zeevi on 2007-11-03 15:21:07
Power to designers. Stop the Fascist Pigs.
# 42 Levi Beach on 2007-11-03 15:20:07 // this contribution is flagged
You shouldn't be allowed to own something that is only a piece in the creative puzzle. Just like no one should be able to own the note A# or C major. These things are tools to create something that you can copyright and own.
# 41 Marcos on 2007-11-03 15:19:41
patent other CMYK colors, them you can change your ugly logo as you wish
# 40 Kasper on 2007-11-03 15:16:26 // this contribution is flagged
Allright ladies and gentlemen, there is a facebook group up and running as well! Anyone that would like to reclaim magenta please join this group!
# 39 David on 2007-11-03 15:15:43
Yours is nothing.
# 38 Ronny on 2007-11-03 15:14:22
Magenta is voor stoere mannen
# 37 keas on 2007-11-03 15:07:25
you can't patent a color morons!
# 36 Eivind Molvær on 2007-11-03 15:04:46
Can I at least use BLACK, aka 100% Keyline? Oh wait..
# 35 eric davis on 2007-11-03 15:02:08
you can't patent a color morons!
# 34 David Oswald on 2007-11-03 14:56:46
Get of your high horse and make some good products and services
# 33 Gabriel on 2007-11-03 14:49:07
Stop these corporate bigwigs trying to tell what we can and cant use
# 32 Fernando Merlo on 2007-11-03 14:36:55
You can´t buy a color dickheads. who are you gonna pay for it? "god?" grow up suckers.
# 31 roger on 2007-11-03 14:36:08
for gay users? lol
# 30 brt kiggen on 2007-11-03 14:30:01
telecom are retards, the colour is not patented. they have no case whatsoever, its just scare tactics
# 29 Carl Espy on 2007-11-03 14:29:18
you cant steal a color, you didnt invent it.
# 28 Krzysztof on 2007-11-03 14:27:12
Magenta is my favourite colour! Give it back!!!
# 27 Mathieu Sagnet on 2007-11-03 14:24:13
give us back our magenta you twats
# 26 rangedcow on 2007-11-03 14:14:55
the colors are ours. cumshot attitude.
# 25 Hans-Oliver on 2007-11-03 14:00:00
Telekom sucks...Who cares whether it's pink or green or just gone....
# 24 Espador on 2007-11-03 13:58:10
I can't work without Magenta! plz...
# 23 nNyu on 2007-11-03 13:53:43
WILL FIGHT FOR PINK!! T-Mobile sucks anyway
# 22 Ben on 2007-11-03 13:41:24 // this contribution is flagged
KPN once tried to steel the Green colour. Apart from that no-one complained they didn't succeed and that will also happen with T-Mobile.
# 21 Kim Jerbo on 2007-11-03 13:39:11
Steal Cyan, nobody likes that color anyway.
# 20 Naan on 2007-11-03 13:09:44 // this contribution is flagged
Pink is the symbol for dreams. Pink clouds, pink glasses, pink elephants, and don't forget, the pink car of Lady Penelope! Don't let them steal our dreams!
# 19 Aart61 on 2007-11-03 11:45:38
They think,money can buy everything.
# 18 joep aka joposz on 2007-11-03 11:13:38
wat een onzin joh... alleen een kleur maakt nog geen huisstijl...
# 17 Silvan on 2007-11-03 09:30:08
Pink is the shit. Don't steal shit.
# 16 lextreem on 2007-11-03 08:04:57
# 15 GetALife on 2007-11-03 07:44:56 // this contribution is flagged
Years ago there was a similar issue with the color green and KPN (PTT Telecom). The only valid resean to sue someone is when they use the specific color to draw customers away. In this case Compello isn't even in the same line of business. FUD if you ask me.
# 14 *--* on 2007-11-03 03:38:39
FREE 255 0 255!!!
# 13 Wouter on 2007-11-03 02:46:35 // this contribution is flagged
Belgacom a Belgium telecom operator has registered Cyaan as a brand with the BMB (Benelux Merkbureau or Benelux Brand Depot). The BMB didn't allow this for obvious reasons, however a court ruled the claim of Belgacom to be just, so it could register the color as a brand, in fact BMB was forced by the court to register it as a brand. In my opinion that was a sad day, and I can only hope that this kind arrogance is not tolerated by the public. Link: (text in Dutch) "Veroordeelt het BMB tot inschrijving van het depot nr. 898.697 voor klassen 9, 35, 37, 38 en 42;"
# 12 vilmer on 2007-11-03 02:34:01
Pink is a chick without TITS!! T-Mobile can have her!
# 11 typtyphus on 2007-11-03 00:53:54
# 10 Jesuispie on 2007-11-03 00:16:32
T-mobile, you STINK. Give me back my PINK!
# 9 JayJay on 2007-11-02 22:11:25
Magenta to the people!
# 8 Yvonne on 2007-11-02 22:09:04
First OiNK and then magenta :(
# 7 superdelux on 2007-11-02 21:25:46
wtf, stop calling fot magenta!!!1
# 6 gast! on 2007-11-02 20:46:01
Free Magenta!
# 5 rams on 2007-11-02 20:39:33
# 4 gast! on 2007-11-02 20:37:45
Free Magenta!
# 3 vord on 2007-11-02 20:27:58 // this contribution is flagged
NO damn company can steal a color for its own! No patent on smell, Taste or Color!
# 2 rams on 2007-11-02 20:24:41
# 1 Kasper on 2007-11-02 19:48:09
Please contribute to our petition for Magenta's sake!